More heat coming down on Warren AMP/EMP scene...

In 'Columbus Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by Spa Patrol

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Spa Patrol
04/27/2011 05:50 am

posts: 0

Looks like more heat is coming down on the Warren AMPs based on recent reports on USASG. This guy went to the Trumbull City council meeting yesterday.


Senior Member


Went to the meeting tonight in Trumble County on human trafficing just to hear what they were targeting. The place was packed councilmen, police, clergy, mayor and mayoriel canidates. There going after the street walkers and johns. And the parlors. They said there are too many in the city I think they are going to have more and more frequent inspections checking everything. I'm sure it will hit the paper tomorrow.

I guess there was a reason Sammy from Sun Spa asked guys to keep things quiet for a while.

VIP Spa is still closed.

I wonder who will be next?

Spa Patrol
04/27/2011 08:22 am

posts: 0

What organizations are more corrupt that the police, health department, churches (Catholic church that harbors child rapists) and the rest of these so-called community leaders in Warren?

Those mentioned above are the real threat to the community and its citizens.

Massage parlors pose no threat to anyone.

El Diablo
04/27/2011 02:37 pm

posts: 0

spaninja wrote:
What organizations are more corrupt that the police, health department, churches (Catholic church that harbors child rapists) and the rest of these so-called community leaders in Warren?

Those mentioned above are the real threat to the community and its citizens.

Massage parlors pose no threat to anyone.

Here's a quote from the end of the article that I found interesting

"In addition to follow up meetings and roundtable discussions over the next couple months, organizers also hope to raise money to form a non-profit agency that would provide housing, education, counseling and job placement for minor victims of human trafficking in the Valley."

It seems they want to raise "MONEY" to do all these things. That is what they're really after...MONEY. It's not about helping the so called victims but generating MONEY for them to raise to fund all of this. This is what these groups are after and are using this issue to raise what they really want...MONEY.

04/27/2011 04:53 pm

posts: 0

Comments here and on USASG really need to be shut down for awhile. We all know they are there, we all know they give great massages, no need to add even an ounce of fuel to this fire. As far as minors go, of all the AMPs I've been to, I have never seen a worker that appeared to be under 25, let alone under 18.
El Diablo
06/03/2011 04:18 pm

posts: 0

Jim Bob wrote:
From what is on Youngstown Vindicator website today they just had another meeting. Not Good.

I checked it out and it was pretty much the same. Increase the fee and inspections while having the right to revoke their license. They're just practicing extortion and that's a pretty corrupt thing on their part.
Spa Patrol
06/03/2011 05:23 pm

posts: 0

I knew this issue was not going away anytime soon.

Anti-spa elements are at work again in Warren. Not good.

Our spas are at risk.

Everyone needs to be careful of what they are posting or communicating on these websites.

We are all getting too careless.


El Diablo
06/23/2011 10:30 am

posts: 0

Jim Bob wrote:
Today at 3 pm the second reading of the new massage laws will be discussed.

Spa Patrol, you're looking more and more like the cop from the Village People...YMCA anyone?

Maybe you should be checking out the local bathhouses too. I'm sure you'll find some action if you bring your bag of tricks with you. It will make you magically delicious.

Spa Patrol
06/23/2011 04:15 pm

posts: 0

I. M. D. Eggman wrote:

Spa Patrol, you're looking more and more like the cop from the Village People...YMCA anyone?

Maybe you should be checking out the local bathhouses too. I'm sure you'll find some action if you bring your bag of tricks with you. It will make you magically delicious.


I knew you guys would admire my new patrol uniform.

I bet you have something similar in your closet, Eggman.

Your buddy told me he also enjoys the look and feel of leather.

El Diablo
06/24/2011 09:15 am

posts: 0

Spa Patrol wrote:

I knew you guys would admire my new patrol uniform.

I bet you have something similar in your closet, Eggman.

Your buddy told me he also enjoys the look and feel of leather.

I'm more into Black Velvet and my little boy smile. A New Religion that will bring you to your knees.
El Diablo
06/25/2011 07:06 pm

posts: 0

Jim Bob wrote:
Is that what Lisa fell for,Mr Handsome ?

It's what they all fell for Mr Bob.
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