Incorrect credentials.
07/25/2013 08:39 pm

posts: 0

Some guys like to sit in the woods in the freezing cold hoping something will happen by. Others go to the game farm and wait by the feeder. i will be by the feeder thank you.
07/25/2013 09:12 pm

posts: 0

Bravonumber572 wrote:
Some guys like to sit in the woods in the freezing cold hoping something will happen by. Others go to the game farm and wait by the feeder. i will be by the feeder thank you.

Sure "Bravo..." take the easy way out!...OOoops! I just posted a review of my recent visit to "the feeder."
07/25/2013 10:06 pm

posts: 0

darthballs692000 wrote:
Delusion.Attention whore. That is what this whole site is . I got my dick sucked. he he he

Well mystery solved....Tranny crack whore! hahahaha...How many butt crack babies do you have now? (butt crack baby) = anal creampie then drips to yeast infected cunt...and gets preggy!

Boo ya!

So recounting the nature your conception are we. What happened did momma pull a train. with boys from the north side. This would explain where you got your intelligence . We know they are not that bright .
07/25/2013 10:54 pm

posts: 0

It was from the east side...cause we're movin on up! To the a deluxe apartment in the skyyy hii....we're movin on up! You will never be above BeLOW me.
07/26/2013 12:55 am

posts: 0

darthballs692000 wrote:
Delusion.Attention whore. That is what this whole site is . I got my dick sucked. he he he

Well mystery solved....Tranny crack whore! hahahaha...How many butt crack babies do you have now? (butt crack baby) = anal creampie then drips to yeast infected cunt...and gets preggy!

Boo ya!

So recounting the nature your conception are we. What happened did momma pull a train. with boys from the north side. This would explain where you got your intelligence . We know they are not that bright .
07/26/2013 01:19 am

posts: 0

I'm just wondering what porn magazine you were getting off with when you came across the ad for this site. I know they advertise in Gallery, fox, and stuff like that... but I'm willing to bet you were moving an ear of corn out of your asshole (which is oh so torn apart) while looking at either Plumpers or Chicks with dicks bigger than my joke cock.

I'm thinking you're some ugly loser of a guy wanting to save the world one website at a time. You envy us guys here because we can get fucked because even if you offered to pay, no woman would ever touch that diseased little prick you've got.
07/27/2013 11:40 pm

posts: 0

sugarsong wrote:
I'm just wondering what porn magazine you were getting off with when you came across the ad for this site. I know they advertise in Gallery, fox, and stuff like that... but I'm willing to bet you were moving an ear of corn out of your asshole (which is oh so torn apart) while looking at either Plumpers or Chicks with dicks bigger than my joke cock.

I'm thinking you're some ugly loser of a guy wanting to save the world one website at a time. You envy us guys here because we can get fucked because even if you offered to pay, no woman would ever touch that diseased little prick you've got.

Well son of a bitch lookee here. A published list of the activities at Sugars inbred family reunion. Not conventional but to be expected from thinning of the gene pool. Out to save the world no, just fucking with the retards . Finally some wit displayed. But I'll bet it took a conference call amongst you all.
07/27/2013 11:48 pm

posts: 0

sugarsong wrote:
I'm just wondering what porn magazine you were getting off with when you came across the ad for this site. I know they advertise in Gallery, fox, and stuff like that... but I'm willing to bet you were moving an ear of corn out of your asshole (which is oh so torn apart) while looking at either Plumpers or Chicks with dicks bigger than my joke cock.

I'm thinking you're some ugly loser of a guy wanting to save the world one website at a time. You envy us guys here because we can get fucked because even if you offered to pay, no woman would ever touch that diseased little prick you've got.

Well son of a bitch lookee here. A published list of the activities at Sugars inbred family reunion. Not conventional but to be expected from thinning of the gene pool. Out to save the world no, just fucking with the retards . Finally some wit displayed. But I'll bet it took a conference call amongst you all.
07/28/2013 12:59 am

posts: 0

"Out to save the world no, just fucking with the retards."... you do know that fucking your self is called masturbation... you're masturbating. Big deal. We all do it but most people don't brag about it.

07/28/2013 01:56 am

posts: 0

sugarsong wrote:
"Out to save the world no, just fucking with the retards."... you do know that fucking your self is called masturbation... you're masturbating. Big deal. We all do it but most people don't brag about it.


Maybe you should have read more English books as a lad . Instead of skin mags. I said FUCKING WITH not fucking retard. As in plural sends and wrong context of the word with. Let me guess your responce .

Sooo are you masturbating another guy .

Sorry to steal your thunder. But you should have done another conference call first. It's not to late they do have adult education classes. Nice try. Don' t even try play on words about stealing thunder and mb another guy. Way ahead of you on that one too.
07/28/2013 03:41 am

posts: 0

...either you got harrassed enough in a yahoo chat room, to make you the way you are... or your from rubmaps........(I can't figure out which is worse). And now you ended up here. Hmmmmmm....
07/28/2013 03:49 am

posts: 0

Don't pick on sugar...he's credible....ohhhh and should open a english book or two.....turn to the grammar section...then once you passed that ....go take 5th grade spelling over again...I believe RESPONSE is spelled this way....unless you were speaking about resPONCE DE LEON....the famous explorer...but then thats history...kinda like how I feel about you....history...loser! BOO YA!
07/28/2013 06:28 am

posts: 0

Darth and Sugarsong, I'm betting WTFmn isn't from the area, at least not originally. "Lads," "amongst," and "responce" with a "c" -- he's sounding like a Brit to me. And "fucking with the retards" -- he could be talking about a family reunion in Kentucky, too.
07/28/2013 03:34 pm

posts: 0

The point is of this thread?
07/28/2013 07:46 pm

posts: 0

There isn't wants to have a pissing contest since the tranny wouldn't suck him off for free.......but he did offer to masturbate him......
07/28/2013 08:03 pm

posts: 0

Thanks for defending me Darth, appreciate it.

I'm still wondering what reviews this ass-hat is even reading. They haven't paid the couple dollars for a VIP membership and I may be wrong but I thought you couldn't read reviews if you didn't have a VIP, otherwise what's the point of paying for membership.

This is either someone who's already a paid member and uses this alias to get off at poking fun at us (for what reason I'm not sure), LE who's jealous of us because we get to have some extra fun they don't get to have. I still think it's some ugly woman who want's to make fun of us because it makes her feel good about herself. Look at how many times they write a comment and wait for someone to respond then post the same comment again a few minutes later, they like the attention they're getting on here. I'm done with this thread.
07/31/2013 01:20 pm

posts: 0

Obviously it's a chick with no clients and too much free time.
Guys don't do this type of shit. They just don't unless it's to a lady that's factually proven to be a fraud, then they drop it & move on to the next thing.
Also how odd that a few weird alleged clients contacted me then went batshit mid correspondence with threats after i ask for references and ladies have been asking me for a job at the same time, let me be the one to say hell to the no.
2 had face and neck tattoos resembling the prison type ( poorly done and the others were obviously drug addicts after my research. I don't deal with stupid providers that offer 15 mins either. There's no effin way I'd hire some young chick with her black boyfriend hanging around screwing up my reputation!
I understand businesses can be slow but no need to attack me. I'm not the problem.
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