Dont judge a book by its cover

In 'Minneapolis Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by msggrl

Incorrect credentials.
01/19/2011 02:50 am

posts: 0

heres another example for you

while back a client came in.


client walked in i greeted him
i clearly stated i was the only one available
he asked who else was available?
I told him he could come back in 2 hours if he wanted someone else
CLIENT HAD AN ATTITUDE I DID NOT WANT HIM ANY LONGER. ( i could tell i was not what he was looking for in look)I was still being polite when in reality i wanted the jerk to leave.
He asked how much/ I told him the prices and he said well thats not what I saw in the ad. WELL DUMBASS U SHOULD HAVE MENTIONED THAT.
I politely said unless you mention the ad we give the standard price thats policy WHICH IT IS!
client said well im already here ill just take you
I started the massage and tried to make small talk even though he already annoyed me ! client continued to irritate me . i could tell he just wanted a cheap rub & tug.. so i then stopped trying and purposely gave him a really bad massage he kept sighing the whole time so i got worse with every sigh... it was one of the longest hours of my life!

i even told him he would be discounted if he came back being more than nice even tough he had been a huge jerk!

if he wouldnt have been a jerk and told me im to ugly for him i would have given him a good massage and if he wouldnt have keept showing he didnt want a real massage i would have been nicer.

i am also never going to forget this client! he looks just like someone from tv and ill never live it down everyone i tell dies lauging! ill never look at that "actor again" in the same light

if u start by insulting your therapist before the massage starts might as well walk right back through the damn door and go else where we are not paid to put up w ur attitude!

yes we do have feelings and when being insulted we really do not want to see you

If he would have come back another day or later he possibly might have been happy but i doubt it!

im exotic looking not the typical massage therapist or dreamy type all you men go for. im more of the girl next door. always bubbly and friendly!
Be nice to us and we will be nice back!
01/19/2011 05:05 am

posts: 0

Ouch. Sounds like it was a pretty bad day. Let's hope you're just getting your annual quota of jerks out of the way early so the rest of the year can be really good.
01/19/2011 05:16 am

posts: 0

jerks come in spurts some time we get nothing but jerks for a week then we will be lucky to get gentlemen for he next few weeks... u just never know with this business.
i shall hope so too i get them out of the way early!

people like him make me want to quit the business.

01/19/2011 07:27 pm

posts: 0

I know how you feel I deal with difficult customers in my job too. I'm curious to know, what actor did he look like?
01/20/2011 05:22 am

posts: 0

Yeah, jerks come in all shapes, sizes, and temperments. At the pizza place I work at, we had one regular who was an alcoholic, a drug addict, and/or had some serious anger-management problems. Delivering to him got to be such a hassle (we never knew when -- or if -- he was going to answer his door and/or if his three pit bulls were going to be restrained in any way), that we put him on a Do Not Serve list. (Mind you, he's the only one on that list.) Twice he called up after that, demanding that we deliver to him; we told him we couldn't anymore and he said he'd blow up our store. Another time, he told the person on the phone that he was going to come to the store and slit her throat. Gee, and he wonders why we refuse to serve him?
Cities Boy
01/20/2011 11:22 am

posts: 0

Wanderer wrote:
Yeah, jerks come in all shapes, sizes, and temperments. At the pizza place I work at, we had one regular who was an alcoholic, a drug addict, and/or had some serious anger-management problems. Delivering to him got to be such a hassle (we never knew when -- or if -- he was going to answer his door and/or if his three pit bulls were going to be restrained in any way), that we put him on a Do Not Serve list. (Mind you, he's the only one on that list.) Twice he called up after that, demanding that we deliver to him; we told him we couldn't anymore and he said he'd blow up our store. Another time, he told the person on the phone that he was going to come to the store and slit her throat. Gee, and he wonders why we refuse to serve him?

All of that over a fucking pizza delivery? I would have gladly served him again with a pizza that would have made him sick for a week
01/20/2011 06:54 pm

posts: 0

oh my gosh i do nto have the best luck w pizza people either.. god reminds me of one of the biggest jerks...

so theirs an owner of a pizza joint in mn who is a total cheapo . he has been kicked out of many massage places and on black lists

its funny he thinks by telling us he owns a pizza business we r going to want to give him sexual favors seriously he uses that as his reason y we should provide him with sexual favors i seriously want to tell him

hey asshole stop being rude and cheap and maybe ull get the damn service u want.. this man expect a he from a parlor girl for 100 doe she not realize the girl gets paid 35 at most to rub him again im saying an indy that charges 100 sure probably HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras but a parlor girls work for tips my wonderful men out their

I NORMALLY DO NOT OUT CLIENTS BUT i did not say his name nor what establishment he owns... u can say generals but not so clearly about client u know who they are...

01/20/2011 07:24 pm

posts: 0

I used to try and negotiate, and then one day it dawned on me that being disagreeable isn't the best course when you are trying to gain favor with someone- plus I can afford it. Now I take the offer for what it is, if it's too much I turn it down, if it's fair, I go with it, but I'm always respectful. How can you not be respectful to someone you are trusting your body with?
01/21/2011 05:21 am

posts: 0

Cities Boy: Yeah, over a stupid pizza. I would have gladly served him again, too, but only if a well-armed and very irritable cop was right beside me. That could've made for a good YouTube moment.

Msggrl: Hey, now, I'm a pizza guy. I try to be respectful and all that other baloney But, seriously, I will not try something so stupid and cheap as "I'll trade you this pepperoni pizza for some !" Geez. But then there was a teenage girl who said she'd kiss me if I gave her a pizza. I walked away, doing my best not to break into laughter. Not even if she was Angelina Jolie would I trade... okay, maybe Jolie. Or Charlize Theron. Or Anne Hathaway (the next Catwoman -- wowzers!). Or...

Supersam: I don't even try to negotiate. Some people, particularly those from cultures where haggling is the norm, might think it's fun, but often times I just think it's irritating and disrespectful. A price is set, as well as the tip; they're either accepted or not accepted, and if there's going to be an issue, I'm done. I don't have the money to spend, and I certainly don't want to waste the time, either hers or mine.
01/22/2011 01:25 am

posts: 0

Wanderer, I worked in for a pizza Inc. in my late teens. There were some rude customers and good customers. A couple of employees and I would trade a specialty large pizza for a 12 pack of beer(our choice) from a liquor store across the street at closing time on the weekends .
01/22/2011 06:35 am

posts: 0

theirs nothing wrong with the barter system i use it all of the time

car repairs ,sounds funny but appliances washer dryer) etc...
as long as its within reason i dont see a problem with it!

i remember 2 years ago this man came in and asked to trade a happy ending for steak and shrimp not any steak some special phenomenal grade stake !

it really through me off guard now if he was a customer first i might have considered it for someone i know..... but it was just really odd geez i forgot about that guy until u mentioned pizza for a kiss er whatever
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