30 something ravishing vixen seeking monetary benefactor...

In 'Tacoma Female Escorts'

by werrfgthhhj

Incorrect credentials.
08/05/2015 05:55 pm

posts: 3

seeking worthwhile philanthropist to enjoy me for a short time...in the tacoma area...you will need to provide the venue..
08/13/2015 02:21 pm

posts: 2

Dear Ravishing Beauty. Are you still available?
08/13/2015 02:51 pm

posts: 3

I an available later on this evening after I get off of work so I'm starting probably around 6 o'clock tonight until whenever I'm also available all day 2morrow and will be available on Saturday in the afternoon and evening and night time and on sunday all day
08/13/2015 03:03 pm

posts: 2

Can you give me an email or phone number?
08/13/2015 03:58 pm
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