This guy is trying to ruin it for us

In 'Bellevue Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by Willie71

Incorrect credentials.
09/05/2012 02:01 am

posts: 0

Riigght, this is just some bent out of shape fuck who probably got ripped off and wants revenge. Honestly we all know what goes on here, and when he saw the "two naked girls" run down the hallway any person in their right mind would either stay for the same reasons we do, or immediately leave and call the cops. What an ass wipe.
09/06/2012 01:27 pm

posts: 0

Willie 71 Your so stupied !! The state doesnt endroses whorehouses. So what is it exactly wrong with being open after dark? Are you stupied to think LE and city hall doent know what going on in these places? You have a mind of a child Wille and an IQ of about 35. Le catches some serious criminals going to these places and thats just 1 reason they need to stay open,You live in a world as a child Willie

09/06/2012 06:18 pm

posts: 0

JAMES007 wrote:
Willie 71 Your so stupied !! The state doesnt endroses whorehouses. So what is it exactly wrong with being open after dark? Are you stupied to think LE and city hall doent know what going on in these places? You have a mind of a child Wille and an IQ of about 35. Le catches some serious criminals going to these places and thats just 1 reason they need to stay open,You live in a world as a child Willie

It is not my site and I did not write it dumb ass!!! I'm just posting it to let people know there are assholes out there that have nothing better to do than rat people out and they are looking at these sites and steeling info from this site!!

09/06/2012 06:31 pm

posts: 0

JAMES007 wrote:
Willie 71 Your so stupied !! The state doesnt endroses whorehouses. So what is it exactly wrong with being open after dark? Are you stupied to think LE and city hall doent know what going on in these places? You have a mind of a child Wille and an IQ of about 35. Le catches some serious criminals going to these places and thats just 1 reason they need to stay open,You live in a world as a child Willie

Lighten up, James. I think you're confusing the messenger with the message.
09/06/2012 08:42 pm

posts: 0

Was Happy the Man in Washington??? This dude really went to a lot of trouble didn't he. Probably pissed off because he was someones jail bitch, then again maybe he liked it.
09/06/2012 08:42 pm

posts: 0

Was Happy the Man in Washington??? This dude really went to a lot of trouble didn't he. Probably pissed off because he was someones jail bitch, then again maybe he liked it.
09/06/2012 08:44 pm

posts: 0

Was Happy the Man in Washington??? This dude really went to a lot of trouble didn't he. Probably pissed off because he was someones jail bitch, then again maybe he liked it.
09/06/2012 10:38 pm

posts: 0

Very sorry willie,i didnt mean you but made a mistake by saying your name. girls that do this type of work has been around hundreds of years, Its not against the federal law but does anyone know where it first became legal and what year in the usa? city and state?
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