Glory Days

In 'Washington DC Adult Stores'

by Starrider1650

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09/09/2017 09:09 am

posts: 1

I called this post Glory Days because I was thinking about the days when the area had many stores to chose from.I remember my 1st store was by Andrews AFB when I was 18.56 now.Loved going to the ABS then.18 good shape.Tops loved it.Got married so it slowed down but still like to go sometimes.Anyone remember the Follies in DC?You could go pay 11 bucks and they called it a private club so you could get naked and go in the theater and back rooms with no worries.Nats Park came along and it had to go.How about the small one in Beltsville? CVS is there now.I have had a lot of fun in there.One clerk that worked the day shift on weekends would like to watch.Share some stories!

This message was edited by Starrider1650 on Sep 9th 2017 08:04 for reason: Posted in worg forum

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