This Blonde is Fine as Wine

In 'Salt Lake City Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by zippy99

Incorrect credentials.
10/11/2009 02:04 pm

posts: 0

10/11/2009 11:46 pm

posts: 0

I'll bet you a dollar she/he is a tranny.
10/12/2009 10:02 am

posts: 0

You lose a dollar. I haven't seen her but from all reports, a big NO to that.
10/12/2009 04:23 pm


Haven't seen either but i've heard good things. I've been wanting to see her for a while but back in the day (few months ago) i heard the fee was quite high so i never did.
10/13/2009 12:45 am

posts: 0

Well, that's one bet I'll happily lose. Thanks for setting the record straight.
11/28/2009 05:02 pm

posts: 0

the ad for "goddess of beauty" pics are about 15 yrs old and 2 kids later, saggy strectched marked belly, same with boobs, tickle back and a flip.happy, but I wasnt
11/28/2009 05:08 pm

posts: 0

the ad referred to isn't there anymore. it for was sara/prettygirlmassageslc
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