Work In the Daytime* (or Nights and keep your clothes on!)

In 'Houston General Talk'

by 210m4fplus420

Incorrect credentials.
07/15/2012 02:34 pm

posts: 2

I work in entertainment. Like actual, get paid in checks or bank deposits, the only fake name is the one your agent suggests and its retarded, I cant go to jail for my work Entertainment. People i know need beautiful, TRUSTABLE people sometimes - music vidoes, photo shoots, dates or events, etc. Most "non adult " work girls want WAY more than their paygrade, and some "adult workers" are WAY too low class, NON dependable. If you are aoVER one night stands and want to be able to use your real name again, email me 2 1 0 m 4 f p l u s 4 2 0 @ i DO NOT promise a trip to LA and fame, but if you're serious i can certainly point to the right NON casting couch ppl/places. -- Mr. 420
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