Services fs
Table Shower YES
Sauna NO
Jacuzzi NO
Rate for 60 minutes $ 60.00
Location Detail convention center
Masseuse Korean
Accepted Cards
10:00AM - 2:00AM
10:00AM - 2:00AM
10:00AM - 2:00AM
10:00AM - 2:00AM
10:00AM - 4:00AM
10:00AM - 4:00AM
11:00AM - 2:00AM
Reviewed 05-21-2013
Providers Name: Sunny
Up a flight of stairs, worn out look to the place, tape on carpet, felt dirty though with low lights it was hard to tell.
Reviewed 07-07-2012
Providers Name: Chanel
Near the Convention Ctr. Two door system. Go in first door, ring buzzer to enter the second door. Go up a long, crooked stairway where you are allowed access by Mamasan.
Reviewed 06-06-2012
Providers Name: Nikki
i was rast month may....i had nikki..she`s good .cute..TS little fast but good.. when i was there little shes little rused to me.but she`s nice to me.FS was good .i had great time.
Reviewed 05-23-2012
Providers Name: Hannah
right across from the convention center. Neighborhood is not too bad but wouldn't want to go there real late at night
Reviewed 05-18-2012
Providers Name: Nikki
After a strange morning of other AMPs believing I was LE and grilling the hell out of me or not even answering the door, I chose here. Good ol' reliable New World. Hot chicks galore.
Reviewed 03-23-2012
Providers Name: Sunny
Just a note here. If you are going somewhere for someone specific, call ahead to be sure they are there. I forget to do this myself a lot. This time I was going for Lucky. I was told she was busy for another 30 mins. I opted for the new girl. The new girl was fine but I really wanted to see Lucky. If I called ahead she may have been ready. Lesson learned. Overall the place is nice. Saw the living quarters located in the front on my way out where I was introduced to a half dressed Lucky. Nice living area and Lucky is one smoking hot girl.
Reviewed 01-31-2012
Providers Name: Don't Know
You go in the and ring the door. You will be buzzes in and walk up a flight of stairs. Place looked clean.
Reviewed 01-05-2012
Providers Name: Lucky
Second floor.
Reviewed 11-05-2011
just came back from this place and i enjoyed myself, the girl name was Hanna no massage, just got right to business would recommend this place to anyone, damage 160
Reviewed 09-23-2011
girl i had was o.m.g.. that was her name. she was very friendly and kinda hot. really no massage, just got down into business, which was fine by me at the time.
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