Anyone read this blog?

In 'Chadds Ford Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by gambolero

Incorrect credentials.
03/18/2010 06:40 am

posts: 0

She is an erotic massage worker somewhere in PA! If anyone has some intel where she might be working, could you backchannel? I would be more than happy to trade Wash DC intel in exchange.
03/18/2010 08:19 pm

posts: 0

This blog has been discussed several times. Please look around the forum.
Other sites report "She" is a "He" who enjoys fooling people into thinking he is a hot chick talking about the "biz".
04/18/2010 08:45 am

posts: 0

I've been a avid reader of this blog for several months and have found it to be very interesting and entertaining, if not well written and informative. I listened to the interview that "CJ" did on the Playboy Radio channel on XM/Sirius a few months ago and the person being interviewed was apparently female. Granted, that doesn't mean that "CJ" the blogger and the gal being interviewed are one and the same. But I have detected no evidence to dispute the veracity of it.

Either way, the writing seems to ring true to me and I'll keep reading.
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