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The Joker
05/31/2011 08:13 pm

posts: 0

So I am getting ready for one of those milestone birthdays next summer and am thinking should I fly my ass all the way to Thailand or just spend the same amount of money visiting every good Amp in Warren for two weeks or until I can no longer function properly. Thailand Airfare - $1500, Hotel $50 per night so lets say $600, Food - a wash since I have to feed myself no matter where I go. Girls - with 3000 bat to $100.00, one ST at 2000 and one LT at 3000 per day for 12 days, $2000 for Thai Uno lessons. So grand total for Thailand - let's round up to $4500. Ok Warren - Airfare - $250. Car Rental - $400. Room - 12 nights at $75 per night - $900. Ok so that is $1550 spent on non Uno activities, so that would leave me with $2950 to spend on Uno for 12 days or $245 per day... Ok so it's a wash financially, so what should I do???
05/31/2011 08:20 pm

posts: 0

Fuck Warren, OH & Thailand. The best city on earth that I've found & I've been to most is Angeles City, Philippines. 100 bars & 5000 girls with absolutely no attitude like the Thai girls. A matter of fact the whole EMP staff went there 2 months ago. Girls are 1200 pesos or roughly 20.00 USD for the whole night. They will never ask you to wear a condom either, if that floats your boat. You can barfine 3 girls & fly to Boracay, Philippines, which is one of the nicest islands on that side of the world or just fuck away. My buddy went through 17 girls in 9 days.


05/31/2011 08:31 pm

posts: 0

Dont forget the 22 hour flight vs the 4 hours, or the wonderful new diseses you could get. How about this go to Warren and spend 8.50 on watching the hangover 2 or better yet spend 17.00 and take the King, i am sure he will drive you around all week.
05/31/2011 08:35 pm

posts: 0

Life is a disease my friend, you start dying the moment your conceived.
05/31/2011 09:40 pm

posts: 0

The girls in Thailand are also for the whole night, where your AMP girls are 1hr(or however many you pay for up till closing time.).

Thailand and the Philippines, are worth of a visit, but Amphunter is right start in the Philippines.
The Joker
05/31/2011 11:03 pm

posts: 0

Girls in LOS (Land of Smiles) Thailand can be all night or for a session. Long Time or Short Time. From what I read in ISG to me it appears that Thailand, specifically Pattaya may be easier for the nub then AC, also better non monger activities. There was a good post comparing costs and mostly it is a mix. Well I have about fourteen months to do my research...
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