Incorrect credentials.
04/14/2011 06:52 am

posts: 0

A fellow spa enthusiast told me yesterday that Sammy has requested that everyone stop posting "graphic" fictional reviews of all the spas in Warren. She asked for everyones understanding until the current issues fade away.

So if you review a lady, just say if she was good or not. For all specifics just click "No" or "Didn't ask". Don't worry, we will understand what you are trying to convey. Yes, we all love "sea stories" but let's keep a wrap on them for a while. Maybe for a month.

Apparently the warning did not work and people kept posting. As of today, the former Sun Spa is an empty shell of a beautiful building in a run down neighborhood.
04/14/2011 07:11 am

posts: 0

Chatter wrote:
A fellow spa enthusiast told me yesterday that Sammy has requested that everyone stop posting "graphic" fictional reviews of all the spas in Warren. She asked for everyones understanding until the current issues fade away.

So if you review a lady, just say if she was good or not. For all specifics just click "No" or "Didn't ask". Don't worry, we will understand what you are trying to convey. Yes, we all love "sea stories" but let's keep a wrap on them for a while. Maybe for a month.

Good idea. I think we were all getting a little wrapped up in our "accomplishments" recently. No reason to give any ammunition to those organizations or people trying to shoot us down.
Spa Patrol
04/14/2011 07:17 am

posts: 0

Chatter wrote:
A fellow spa enthusiast told me yesterday that Sammy has requested that everyone stop posting "graphic" fictional reviews of all the spas in Warren. She asked for everyones understanding until the current issues fade away.

So if you review a lady, just say if she was good or not. For all specifics just click "No" or "Didn't ask". Don't worry, we will understand what you are trying to convey. Yes, we all love "sea stories" but let's keep a wrap on them for a while. Maybe for a month.

I agree 100%.

Even Sammy at Sun Spa is getting concerned, so that should be a clear message to all Warren spa customers.

Stop posting reviews.

04/14/2011 10:07 pm

posts: 0

Someone please catch me up. I have been working out of state for awhile and am not current on the "current issues" in Warren. I was planning a visit soon but want to avoid any problems I can!
04/15/2011 12:18 am

posts: 0

I don't feel the need to post anything because Sammy will always ask me how the girl was when I am leaving. I am sure if there was any issues she will just take care of it,
04/19/2011 01:50 pm

posts: 0

Steamy1050 wrote:
Someone please catch me up. I have been working out of state for awhile and am not current on the "current issues" in Warren. I was planning a visit soon but want to avoid any problems I can!

Beginning last summer, a local church group began complaining to Warren City Council about the presence of massage parlors that allegedly offered "erotic services." Of course, we all know this is total nonsense, the stories on this and similar pages are totally fictional, and it's just us indulging our hobby of sharing asian masseuse themed fantasy stories. This resulted in surprise inspections by the health department, and stringent enforcement of the relevant ordinances regarding what massotherapists wear, licensing, etc.

However, as the groups were looking to have the businesses shut down altogether, they continued to complain, more attention has been paid, law enforcement and politicians have made public statements, and it is felt by the legitimate businesses and their employees we are attracting undue attention and giving them an undue, unearned reputation for illegal activity.
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