requesting limited service

In 'Columbus Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by sam70321

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05/14/2010 04:58 pm

posts: 0

I need a little advice from some more experienced players. I am trying to be xtra safe and don't want to any more than a happy ending. I tried that at a place in Atlanta and the girl was clearly irritated since it took her awhile. I want to set up a steady relationship, but am afraid this isn't going to work.
05/15/2010 09:37 am

posts: 0

Ok. You want a simple rub and tug right?

1st- stick to places that only offer rub and tug, they will usually be the best at it.
going to a fs place and wanting minimum services is OK, but the girls want the bigger tips of FS and once they know you are a simple HJ/low tip and you do not finish fast, they wont want to service you. They think the time they spend with you will cause them to miss out on a better tip/customer. In their mind the lost a shot at 100-120 for your 20-40.

2nd- if you can't find a HJ spa and must us a FS spa, talk to the girl let her know you are just want a HJ and then make it worth it to her to make it special, tip a little extra.
She will probably take better care of you.

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