Incorrect credentials.
The Joker
10/11/2011 09:44 pm

posts: 0

Ok Rock, and what is your source of the definition of Trafficked? Just curious. I am just a stickler for sources.

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) defines "Severe Forms of Trafficking in Persons" as:

Sex Trafficking:
The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion or in which the person forced to performed such an act is under the age of 18 years.

That's my source, got a better one?

The entire act, if you would like a copy:'
10/12/2011 07:42 am

posts: 0

The Rock, you also make the pt that they are here in the country illigaly. How do you know that is true? have you seen there passports or visas? For all we know they are here perfictly legal. I learned in grade school that a person is inocent untill proven guilty. and throwing around worlds like traffiking do nothing but stir a pot. But what else can we expect from Indg Yellowtail. all he does is stir the pot and call names.
(sorry for the spelling)
El Diablo
10/12/2011 07:48 am

posts: 0

The Joker wrote:
Ok Rock, and what is your source of the definition of Trafficked? Just curious. I am just a stickler for sources.

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) defines "Severe Forms of Trafficking in Persons" as:

Sex Trafficking:
The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion or in which the person forced to performed such an act is under the age of 18 years.

That's my source, got a better one?

The entire act, if you would like a copy:'

I know first hand that SUN and Fantacy are not involved in human trafficking. They do not fit the criteria set forth by the Polaris Project that MVOC cites from. Now Idig's Sasha seems to fit the criteria just by her behavior alone which you never get at either SUN or Fantacy or any other spa in the Warren area. In fact, the women do go out and shop in the area without an excort. Sounds like the spas in San Antonio have more of a problem with human trafficking in reading Idig's reviews. No wonder he wants to get out of Dodge.
The Joker
10/12/2011 05:03 pm

posts: 0

Mr. Yellow, nothing in your link changes the federal definition of human sex trafficking away from the use of coercion or force. Was there something I missed?

"The simple act of someone just picking up an amp girl at the airport and delivering her to the Spa has been considered to be trafficking." Do you have a source for this?

I love a respectful healthy debate...

Houston, one of my fav's from this area works there now. She says it's mostly a wide open town for Spas.
10/12/2011 06:25 pm

posts: 0

I would like to apologise to the Rock, I think we both have been pulled into this discusion by Yellotail, and its all to stir trouble. He has no proof of anything just his opinion which he is using to amuse himself since nothing is going on in his home state.
10/12/2011 06:48 pm

posts: 0

frank69 wrote:
I would like to apologise to the Rock, I think we both have been pulled into this discusion by Yellotail, and its all to stir trouble. He has no proof of anything just his opinion which he is using to amuse himself since nothing is going on in his home state.

Gentlemen let me try to help based on LE guide lines in all states if you transport any one to or from for illicit purposes they can charge you with trafficing excuse my spelling if you recieve cash or use cash that was spent at such a place they can charge you for money Laundering they go for any thing that fits 1 ounce of the law then let the Judge and Lawyers figure it out I have friends on both sides of the industry, LE and AMPS
10/12/2011 08:27 pm

posts: 0

frank69 wrote:
The Rock, you also make the pt that they are here in the country illigaly. How do you know that is true? have you seen there passports or visas? For all we know they are here perfictly legal. I learned in grade school that a person is inocent untill proven guilty. and throwing around worlds like traffiking do nothing but stir a pot. But what else can we expect from Indg Yellowtail. all he does is stir the pot and call names.
(sorry for the spelling)

Yes, having dated many and had close personal relationships with even more, almost all of them were illegal. Having a valid passport does not make you legally eligble for work. YES I have seen them.

When you hear from their mouth they crossed the border from Mexico in the cab of an 18 wheeler with 7 other people(including a guide), you get the picture.

I am not going to get into all the dirty details here, no one wants a downer, but they didn't leave China or Korea thinking they would be escorts or AMP girls. They believed they could work in Korean or Chinese owned businesses and make money for their families. After arrivng and realizing they spent X dollars to get here they do not just turn around and go back or at least most don't.

They accept it as a way to earn good money to send home. But they got here via trafficking and believing they would be doing something else.
I give you that fact they are not forced to stay, in most cases for Korean and Chinese they are not locked up or have their papers held etc, they choose to stay. But that is NOT how they got here.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is in a fantasy world
The Joker
10/12/2011 10:22 pm

posts: 0

Again thanks all for a spirited mostly respectful debate on this issue. Any thoughts on a new topic we can debate without name calling and acting like we are twelve? Ideas anyone???
10/13/2011 07:06 am

posts: 0

Idig Yellowtail wrote:
You sure are ready to wrap this up...not so fast Joker!

You have said nothing that clears up the issue accept point out a link. You prove nothing about how it is defined by ICE and how the courts apply the law.

All you have done is given us your interpretation of the law. So yes, there was something you missed.

As for a debate, I learned long ago not to debate with masturbaters, people who are not open to others thoughts and never ever ever with crazy people.

As for a topic, what about the guy in the black car taking pictures of customers leaving Fantasy? You know, the AMP in Kansas (maybe China Rose) that was busted about 2007. LE watched them for over a year. If I remember correctly, they were charged with human trafficking too. If you need a link, let me know.

So what if there is a guy taking pictures? Driving into a business parking lot is not a crime. If it was, McDonalds and Burger King would be in a lot of trouble.

Jim Bob has been kicked off this site for good reason. Squiggy, fortunately, has been quiet. Your immature posts are of no value to anyone. Getting the big picture or do I have to spell it out for you?
The Joker
10/13/2011 09:26 pm

posts: 0

So am I a masturbater, crazy or not open to others thoughts? Yes to the first, sometimes to the second and always open to respectful debate.
El Diablo
10/15/2011 08:40 am

posts: 0

Idig Yellowtail wrote:
@ Joker = well there it is right out of the horses mouth. Nothing more to be said about that; but, it still doesn't resolve the initial concern about the ladies at fantasy are trafficked now does it.

@ Goodfield = what happened?? Cat got your tongue? Now, are you getting the big picture?? If you are, please explain it to me so that we are both on the same page.

I love your concern Idig Yellowtail but you are only playing a part and nothing else. You want to direct this at me then you should be direct with me and quit hiding behind this facade and fakeness. I even enjoy how you're trying to come off as the victim. Oh poor Mr Yellowtail. Why don't we talk about your fav Sasha, who would fit the traits of human trafficking, since even by her behavoir during her session with you, would indicate that she's being forced into doing the deed with you. But by your review it wasn't really a good session at all. In fact, a lot of your sessions down in San Antonio hasn't been satisfactory.

Once again there is no indication of human trafficking at either SUN Spa and Fantacy. They do not meet the criteria of the Polaris Project's report on it and are only being used by such groups as MVOC as a means to write up legislation and rules against the operations of the spas in Warren. Besides which they really don't have any other means to do so or create some interest on this subject matter.

And, also you posting about your service to our country doesn't excuse your behavior on this and the USAG board. I would expect much more mature behavior from such person, speaking as one and as one of a former POW.
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