Incorrect credentials.
09/10/2010 10:04 pm

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Which of the ladies in the warren spas speak decent english thanks
09/11/2010 02:39 am

posts: 0

What does decent english have to do with a good spa, no offense. Hell, you're not there for a grammar exam or a survey, you're there for a good service . Sure, some communication is nice but the "Universal language" will never fail . Sam7032, even your grammar isn't decent or up to par . Your topic should read, Which of the ladies in the Warren spas, speaks decent english, thanks.
trevor reeves
09/11/2010 07:20 am

posts: 0

sam7032 wrote:
Which of the ladies in the warren spas speak decent english thanks

Are you specifically refering to VIP spa or Warren spas in general?

Not sure it matters that much after you get a few sessins with the same girl. The spa managers can interperate if there is a language problem.

09/11/2010 08:01 pm

posts: 0

This made me laugh a bit. I have been in so many spas where girls speak little to NO english at all beyond the basic words needed to do the massage. And I have never failed to receive the service I was there for.

When it comes to spas, the girls know what to do, and when to do it. They do not require direction, and you should only need to be told, "face down please" and "turn over please" and "where massage more?".

09/11/2010 08:01 pm

posts: 0

double post site hiccup.
09/11/2010 08:25 pm

posts: 0

My appologies for the title. I was a little rushed. I actually tried to correct the text, but my connection kept dying. As to the requirement, I have never been to a warren spa, but my experience seems to have been a little different. I alsway have a little trouble getting the relief i want from a good message and the massuses(SP?) seem to get irritated. I want to be able to tell them to ease up, not try so hard, don't wear themselves out, etc., but the language barrier is a barrier.
09/12/2010 08:03 pm

posts: 0

If it is too hard try "OW, or OW it HURTS". They will usually adjust the massage. Most understand "Softer". If she is Korean you can say "appio" (pronounced app eye oh) or "Ahpa" (pronounced app ha), both mean pain or you are not feeling well depending on context, but in this case she will know it means she is massaging too hard.

If she still doesn't get it then use "manee appio" (Mah knee app eye oh) which means It hurts ALOT!.

trevor reeves
09/21/2010 12:11 pm

posts: 0

RickyBobbie wrote:
I agree that it is better to have a lady that speaks English. I had to explain 69 to a girl at VIP. AT least they need to understand enough to know how to talk about the various positions and various things we all like to do.

I know I can make hand signals, but it's a lot more fun if you can tell the girl what you want her to do or what you want to do to her next. Makes it a LOT less awkward, if you can say what you want. It's a little hard to make hand signals or gestures when one or both of you have your face buries in the others crotch. Especially in the dark.

Also I like to have a little conversation before and after to kind of get to know the girls. Some of you might be surprised how much better you will be treated if you JUST treat them like ladies. I have had more than one girl give me discounts, cash back, multi pops after they get to know me.

I bet I can guess who the girl is you had to explain "69" to at VIP.

I had the same experience. Transitions can be a bit awkward. .

09/21/2010 06:09 pm

posts: 0


TheROCK is correct. Put yourselves in the providers shoes. Some of those women have not been in the States very long and have to struggle learning some English and the culture. It's not an easy task.

I lived in Japan for four years and by the time I left, I could converse to a minimum extent. English compared to an Asian language is quite different.

So...give the ladies a break and help them learn basic English phrases instead of expecting them to discuss current affairs. Plus, don't teach them slang or vulgar terms - its not fair to them. Treat them like you would like them to treat you.
trevor reeves
09/21/2010 08:37 pm

posts: 0

Jeff S wrote:

TheROCK is correct. Put yourselves in the providers shoes. Some of those women have not been in the States very long and have to struggle learning some English and the culture. It's not an easy task.

I lived in Japan for four years and by the time I left, I could converse to a minimum extent. English compared to an Asian language is quite different.

So...give the ladies a break and help them learn basic English phrases instead of expecting them to discuss current affairs. Plus, don't teach them slang or vulgar terms - its not fair to them. Treat them like you would like them to treat you.


. Don't teach them slang words or vulgar terms?

Our "favorite provider" , you know who I am talking about, was teaching me Korean names for the male and female genitals. She wanted to know English slang words that are considered offensive.

Considering what these women do for a living, it is no suprise.

09/25/2010 04:54 pm

posts: 0

You want to ask for 69? If she is Korean try Pohgee Mohgo (pronounced Poe Gi Moe Go).
09/26/2010 01:34 am

posts: 0

TheROCK wrote:
You want to ask for 69? If she is Korean try Pohgee Mohgo (pronounced Poe Gi Moe Go).

No offense but it's almost like saying, "You Mohgo(mojo), me Pohgee(pussy) .
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