Incorrect credentials.
01/05/2010 08:26 pm

posts: 0

Went here tonight and got completely interogated at the door by some bitch. I literally walked in said hi and it started. She asks "have you been here before" (with a complete bitch attitude) I say ya a few weeks ago. She asks "who did you see" I say "Amanda or Mandy I think but im really not sure(I thought that was her name but truely couldn't remember)" She says "We don't have anyone here by that name" (Again being even more of a bitch) I say again "I could be wrong if thats the case I really don't remember but it was a couple weeks before christmas(because it was)" Now even more bitchy she asks "Can you describe the girl?" and I do to the best I can remember, and she says "Once again we don't have anyone that looks like that named Amanda or Mandy" she then says "I'll be right back" and leaves the room.

Mind you, there has been no discussion of what I'm here for or how much anything cost and i've asked for absolutely nothing, just what was said above. Not too mention that i really was here a few weeks earlier and had a very good experience, with a very pretty girl.

She comes back in the room once again with this complete bitch attitude and says" You can stay but this is a professional massage establishment and you will have to remain robed at all times, if you disrobe you will be asked to leave" So now i'm pissed for the first time during this bitches tyrade. I tell her "Your clearly so busy (not a car in the lot) you can run previous customers off who have done absolutely nothing but be nice to you. I put my coat back on and went to an old stand by on Indepence where they always treat me well.
01/06/2010 10:30 am

posts: 0

Which AMP did you go to? Some have new manager in charge.
01/06/2010 10:57 am

posts: 0

Ambrosia Spa
01/06/2010 11:47 am

posts: 0

Sounds to me like she thought you were LE. LE often visits a spa several times before raiding it, sometimes the same person comes back sometimes they send in 2 or 3 different UCs.
From what you discribe, they had a scare there, possibly someone stopped by and informed them of some violation or something happened near by. Sometimes LE is not out to bust them and stops in and gives them a "Friendly warning" saying they have "heard" something was going on and they should cool it or risk getting busted.

With any massage place it is always YMMV, you may not get the same level of service on every visit. It just goes to show you that if you truly are a "Good Customer" you will have relationships with the spa workers, you will remember their names and they will remember yours, if you do not, than you truly are not that great of a customer.
01/06/2010 08:29 pm

posts: 0

Gonna have to agree to disagree with theRock on alot of the above. This is a business, if you treaty people like shit, your out of business. If in fact they thought i was LE then all they did was greatly arouse suspicion by acting this way, if I were. I do agree with you about possibly having been warned that the heat was on, but again if you act like your not a legit business your probably not. Theres a very old and very true adage in business "the customer is always right". However, I never even had the chance to be a customer legit or not, let alone a "great customer". If they in fact were suspicious of me, I have no problem with that what so ever. You say "blank will be in to see you shortly" you leave the room, warn the girl to be legit on this one, and act like a normal massage business. You don't interrogate someone, piss them off and risk looking completely illegitimate.
01/07/2010 01:48 pm

posts: 0

You should google "the customer is always right" that is wives tale, and especially in a service industry. I am sorry about your bad experience, just trying to offer you a possible explaination for it.
You are applying American business principles to non-Americans who have never heard of them and would not understand them if they had. It just doesn't work that way in businesses owned by other nationalities. See the DC judge who tried to sue an Asian owned dry cleaner for losing his pants.
01/08/2010 10:55 am

posts: 0

drashish, remember there is alot of spa's in charlotte. Just dont go back to that one.
01/08/2010 09:21 pm

posts: 0

BTW it was a white women not asian.
01/09/2010 12:10 pm

posts: 0

Well that changes everything, everyone knows they are bitchy!!
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