In 'North Las Vegas Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by Subicman

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08/30/2011 05:25 pm

posts: 0

Now that there are so many new hobbiests that don't blink at $200 for FS, we will all soon be out of the hobby. I have only been at this for a few months and have already seen the price creep happening. Was not long ago $120 got FS. Then $140-150 and up to current of $160 for a great provider. Now we have guys going to AMPs and paying $180 to $200 for fair to good service.
We are on the road to $60 massage and $250 HE. You all ready for that???? Lets get everyone on the band wagon and hold the prices down whre they belong.
Don't blame the girls, they will charge whatever the traffic will bear
08/30/2011 07:36 pm

posts: 0

Unfortunately... it's all a supply and demand equation. If the demand stays high and people keep going to the ladies at $200, then they will keep their prices that high and some might even test higher prices. If their clientele falls too much, they will lower the price to try and get more people in the door.
08/31/2011 10:07 am

posts: 0

Exactly. Hold the line on the price creep. Get the negotiations out of the way before the hardon. Don't be afraid to tell them you will go somewhere else. If you are at 35 and get priced up, say "no thanks, I'll go to QV" or vice versa. Won't take too long for the prices to level if we stick together.
08/31/2011 09:59 pm

posts: 0

Your problem with your market is your prices are directly impacted by the number of tourists who may be visiting a AMP/EMP for the 1st time in Vegas. They will not know any better, and you holding the line wont do much to impact them.

There are far more spa visitors who do not visit this site or any site prior to their visit and go in and feel their way out. There is no accounting for this and you are in a 'tourist trap' vacation spot.

In the AMPs I am familar with in Vegas, I can still receive FS for about 120.00, always with girls I have seen before and do not consider me a tourist (one time client).

Your regular girls should not be running the price up on you much, if they are tell them you can still go elsewhere and you are a valued client at several spas.

09/01/2011 03:34 am

posts: 0

You are correct. The Spa's in Henderson however do not have the tourist traffic that the Vegas Spa's do. I think the greatest percentage of hobbiests in Henderson are local. Your point is well taken though and as usual you provide welcome insight to various subjects.
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