How many AMP's have you visited in one trip until you found the right one?

In 'Las Vegas Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by BasirWaahid

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08/16/2009 06:02 pm

posts: 0

Just curious because I know I'm not the only one that's done or does this. I ran into a guy coming out of one AMP & he gave me the run down before I walked in and said he was still shopping. This has been my all time longest, one night trip went from Alla to Green Palm to Spa Tropical to 88 to Spa Yi & then Asian Pearl. I settled with Asian Pearl because I didn't want to shop any more, but I could've went to 2 more spots on my journey. Anybody else?
08/18/2009 07:26 pm

posts: 0

I go through almost as much as you do BasirWaahid and pretty much in the same order. No change in any of them for me for when I go but always end up between Spa Yi, Alla or 88. Ive tried to check out the new spots but hit nothing but disappointment as you can check out on my previous reviews on spa of green valley and horizon spa. Anything new or better at any of the henderson amps?
08/25/2009 02:54 am

posts: 0

What are you looking for when shopping? Quality of the girls, cleanliness, atmosphere...etc? Because you can find the answer to all these questions right here.

Do a little research on this site and you should only have to go to one. There is an abundance of reviews here and most parlors have 10+ reviews. Don't just look at one review, look for consistency. You will see that some of these places have the traffic to keep the better looking girls. These places will charge more but that is because they can. Keep this in mind and shop according to your budget.

Best of luck...
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