I need some guidence

In 'Henderson Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by emmanuell-89

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04/30/2010 05:59 am

posts: 0

hey i am new in this and i need some guidence about pricing and the way i
should negociated like how much should i pay for FS,HJ or BJ and where
would be the best place to get them
04/30/2010 08:52 am

posts: 0

Been discussed over and over and over. You need to check the reviews for the spa you want to go to figure out their fees and tips. You also need to review the forum there are already topics here discussing "standard" tips, which are basically a guideline. While it may help you figure out a range of what you could expect to pay, ulitmately it will be decided between you and the provider, not us on this forum.
05/01/2010 09:17 pm

posts: 0

FS runs between 120 to 150 plus the house money HJ FOR ABOUT 60 plus house fee BJ 100 plus house fee. If you find a nice mp you can negotiate those figures.
05/01/2010 09:26 pm

posts: 0

Also when you go in there always act like you get massage all the time. These girls can tell when your horns are green. While getting your massage, she may strike up a conversation with you ask you some questions, where you work, how long you live in vegas. The more she talks the more comfortable she becomes. You can also tell by the way she rubs your body. The more sentual the better for you. She wants to get a reaction from your love wand. That's all good. About time she turns you over you and her will know what come next relax and enjoy.
05/02/2010 02:22 am

posts: 0

Thanks for the tips that so nice of you, one last qiestion coud you recomend me
a good place for a FS
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