Incorrect credentials.
03/19/2014 06:10 am

posts: 0

"Derpy..." By "Right Wing" and "ironic" I meant that the service she is supplying seems to be something that someone with a more conservative bent would be against. True, Sen. Paul is a Libertarian, maybe they would be in favor of the AMP/EMP-type jobs, as it is the person's own prerogative to engage in this type of work.
I am comparing that to someone that would be part of the old "Moral Majority" and finding it acceptable to jack-off guys, suck their cocks, and/or having sex with them for money....just a bit ironic that they could do these things that, it would seem like to me, they would be morally against.
03/19/2014 06:24 am

posts: 0

"Derpy..." What I meant about "Right Wing" and "ironic" was that it just comes across as odd that someone with a more conservative bent would be doing this kind of work. True, Sen. Paul is a libertarian...maybe he would be acceptable of someone doing AMP/EMP-type work, if they want to do this.
The "ironic" part is that someone that could be a part of something like the old "Moral Majority" would be able to willingly do a job where the jack-off men, suck their cocks, and/or have sex with them for money.
I am using the term "Right Wing" to mean someone that has a very conservative religion-based belief system. It has been my personal experience that when some people claim to be a libertarian in their philosophy, what they really mean is that people shouldn't push "normal" society to be more open, or liberal.
03/19/2014 10:32 am

posts: 0

Sure I can see the irony when viewed against the boogy/strawman as drawn by a Cher, Danny Glover, Sean Penn, Bill Maher or just about any MSM anchor.

But, here in the real world, I rarely if ever meet this so-called right-wing holy roller. Espcially, not in THIS city. Most of my friends would identify far more with the right then the left. Is it because we all go to church every Sunday? No.. it's because we realize the threat to freedom comes from the left.

We're such busy bodies, we just want control so we can make laws to just leave everyone the fuck alone! Including driving your SUV with an incandescent light while eating nachos washed down with a Big Gulp and laughing because you don't have health insurance..
03/19/2014 08:30 pm

posts: 0

apache wrote:
Right-wing......left about "aint no thing like a chicken wing"..... ....Be a Moderate/Independent and you make the choice......I say legalize prostitution in most rural areas with some inner-city first and then see how it works. If it's ran properly and not causing the crime rate to rise......... .

The only time the crime rates rise is when some of the american parlor girls allow their stupid boyfriend know where they work ... What do you think those boys do all day while waiting to take their girlfriends money from her working all day ? Breaking into cars etc bs .
03/19/2014 09:50 pm

posts: 0

"Derpy..." In my hometown we had a member of the City Council that wouldn't allow the kids to go Trick-or-Treating on Halloween on Wednesdays or Sundays (no Halloween parade on these days either) because he wanted everyone to go to church on these days. We have another citizen that always wants to shut down the bars (he gave up on closing the movie theatre)...he says everyone needs to stay home and study their Bibles, that this should be all that they need. I don't like the idea of those that get into power trying to force their morality on me...whether they are more conservative, or liberal, than I am.
03/20/2014 04:36 pm

posts: 0 wrote:

The only time the crime rates rise is when some of the american parlor girls allow their stupid boyfriend know where they work ... What do you think those boys do all day while waiting to take their girlfriends money from her working all day ? Breaking into cars etc bs .

It's funny when this arguement against prostition is used: "It's a known fact that crime increases in areas of prostitution." Of course, what they don't mention is that they include prostitution as a crime and include that in the statistics. Remove prostitution from the statistics and crime stays flat or goes down. As every politician knows, keep the population entertained and you keep them happy, and get re-elected!
03/20/2014 07:49 pm

posts: 0

It's important to stop electing ugly feminists who believe that any women who has sex is being forced or is the victim of human trafficking.
04/08/2014 06:09 am

posts: 0

Yes, vote the liberals and the femminazis OUT. They're the ones ruining it fr the rest of us.
Call me silly but statistics say this to be so.
04/09/2014 01:05 am

posts: 0 wrote:
Yes, vote the liberals and the femminazis OUT. They're the ones ruining it fr the rest of us.
Call me silly but statistics say this to be so.

V, maybe you should run for mayor here...I bet you would pass much better laws!!!
04/09/2014 04:58 am

posts: 0

We already had that talk last year....v for mayor...we would all support her, and she would support our needs....daily...errr... every hour..I cant remember...ohhh by the way v...cute pic in the 411!
04/10/2014 11:22 pm

posts: 0

Oh thanks I'll settle for foursquare mayorships haha
04/11/2014 04:54 am

posts: 0

Like I said, "If it's ran properly, enforcement and regulate it".......hell I'm for it..........Last time I heard, Junior(GWhad led the US into a freefall.........I agree though,a lady getting elected president in our time will never happen...........
05/06/2014 08:39 am

posts: 0

The owner of the place closed on previous page was sub leasing.( yet wonder why they closed soon after opening) They did not have permission from the original owner.A salon license was required with salon manager on site at all times of being open is why this place was also closed. I dont see massage opening in this pace again anytime soon. If they had the correct lease and licensing an selective clients it would have been a good place. parking was not the best . o well u all have places and people u do like. people always find a way around things. u close one 6 more open.
10/10/2014 06:47 pm

posts: 0

They've been mailing out letters to businesses and I've been helping a couple old friends get sorted out since july and I'm like "if you don't have a massage license then change what you offer if they listen then it should be fine otherwise I'm not certain many places will stay around without having to move frequently. Not sure about how they're getting their addresses it's not from the IRS records so, maybe they're trolling Rubmaps I haven't gotten one though probably because I already paid for my things pertaining to my establishments. *shrugs*
10/10/2014 06:50 pm

posts: 0

Stop posting reviews is what I'm saying. This includes ALL review sites. Keep the info OFF publicly viewed sources and you can feel confident in knowing your favorite ladies will stay around
10/10/2014 06:54 pm

posts: 0

Even on "reviewers only" boards because it's very easy for people to join those boards with fake reviews too, I know this because I just do. So, just stop and be very stealth about sharing info.
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