My first Nuru session.....

In 'Minneapolis Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by msggrl

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02/11/2011 11:01 pm

posts: 0

after experimenting w client using different slippery products
i was asked to do a nuru session. Being the client wa s long term friend i said ok
i finally received my cute bottle of nuru (black w pink lettering)!!!
( super late x mas present) it was on back-order for 3 months!

ne who............

I made sure it was already warm along w the water. i mixed it together in a bowl an the fun began...

it was slippery alright!
odor less and tasteless
cleaned up fairly easy

all in all my client had a blast!
I wouldnt mind doing it again...

nuru vs other stuff

ive used flavored personal lub and
my client and myself did not mind
i did not feel sticky after wards

m client said he felt a bit sticky but not bad.
in that case id use hot towels if shower was not an option
and ill probably stick to this one being its 1/2 the price of nuru 47.12 per client

either 1 are great fun!

02/14/2011 06:09 pm

posts: 0

Thanks for sharing. Sounds as fun as the videos I have seen of it.
02/14/2011 06:48 pm

posts: 0

explain nuru to me
02/14/2011 06:50 pm

posts: 0

Nuru is body 2 body slippery massage... in sort def
02/15/2011 05:01 am

posts: 0

The nuru gel, that's some sort of seaweed extract, isn't it?
02/15/2011 07:57 am

posts: 0

So nuru is basically a slip and slid like you might get at method without the soap and water. Sounds like it would be enjoyable.So if they advertise nuru you can expect body to body contact.
02/15/2011 03:22 pm

posts: 0

yes its a seaweed extract its oderless andtasteless. but can be a bit gooey.. it cleans easily....

if they didnt doa b2b idk what their def of a nuru is
02/15/2011 04:14 pm

posts: 0

02/15/2011 04:24 pm

posts: 0

yes i didnt put it theit because i did not want to give the wrong impression that nuru massage is fs!

in this state id say no in others and other counry id say yes...
03/04/2011 08:17 pm

posts: 0

Some providers do offer the FS version here.

I don't use the bottled stuff it dries out to fast.
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