01/21/2011 02:20 am

posts: 0

As long as I have been in the business I myself have only a handful of reviews.
I am very surprised I do not have more.
Believe u me I am not complaining

The majority of places I have worked has never been reviewed either.
again im not complaining

I like somewhat being under the radar!

IMO 10 reviews is more than enough for u to know ur going to get what ur looking for?

we all know central and method are highly reviewed but i can name 1 other place we all know is all HE! why do they not have more reviews? ive heard more about this place than any other?

reviews r a funny thing
01/21/2011 05:10 am

posts: 0

You have reviews? Okay, now I'm really getting curious

I can't offer any speculation on the place "we all know is all HE" because, well, I don't know what it is. Maybe its reputation is enough to get the clients? Maybe there's really nothing to review there (i.e., guys just aren't all that impressed)? Maybe there's some unwritten/unspoken word in the community about keeping this place pretty much under the radar, too? I just don't know.
01/27/2011 02:51 pm

posts: 0

I find it hard to believe that there is a provider out there that offers HE and hasn't been reviewed. I do know that I have been to several places where the lady asked me not to post a review here. They also prefer to fly under the radar I guess.
01/27/2011 04:12 pm

posts: 0

Massage Girl might not even exist , May be it just some dude have to much time.
01/27/2011 06:26 pm

posts: 0

You could be right is it possible for a business to not need more customers. There are always others at the business that could help out you have to make hay when the sun shines.
01/27/2011 06:26 pm

posts: 0

You could be right is it possible for a business to not need more customers. There are always others at the business that could help out you have to make hay when the sun shines.
01/27/2011 07:09 pm

posts: 0

She claimed to charge 200.250.300 a session w/o he , I bet she have 0 client.
01/27/2011 11:10 pm

posts: 0

mr mojo u r entitled to ur opinion

their are a few places that charge a 200 door fee i work at 1 of them
their also a membership fee /screening required then the price goes to 250-300

thats about as much as im going to say about where i work.

about the reviews... people assume i do not offer special services its something i choose to do if i like the client. i do not want to be knowen as a happy ending girl or a common escort!
i am low volume and very picky when it comes to special services

the majority of my reviews so to speak have nothing to do with sexual conduct but my massage itself the few reviews i do have on other sites are a bit more revealing

im am somewhat utr if someone ever outed me without me wanting it their would be hell to pay!
ive dealt w allot in this business ive won 2 slander lawsuits and won obviously back then i was strictly therapeutic!

is it such a bad thing for me to want to pick who i want to see
you pick who u want to see on their looks reviews etc
i could care less about look its all about personality for me part of it is monetary mostly personality ..

in a typical day ill see up to 7 clients a day (therapeutic)
sensual maybe 1 a day as i said im very picky

men who see me and expect me to rub them the right way get the door slammed in their face pretty quick i reward kindness

at least im honest.... something hard to find in this business
01/28/2011 11:55 am

posts: 0

Sounds like you work at a very interesting establishment. I don't think it is bad at all for you to pick who you work with. I wish my business was so good that I could pick my customers. Wouldn't that be fun. Keep posting. I enjoy your view point.
Cities Boy
01/28/2011 12:29 pm

posts: 0

thomaso wrote:
Sounds like you work at a very interesting establishment. I don't think it is bad at all for you to pick who you work with. I wish my business was so good that I could pick my customers. Wouldn't that be fun. Keep posting. I enjoy your view point.

It's simple supply and demand Thomaso. Right now her demand is high so
she can pick and choose what she wants to do and who she wants to see.
I'm guessing that she is very attractive and very personable if she has this kind of demand with HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras for only a limited few.
02/03/2011 10:45 pm

posts: 0

im cute and my massage i feel is very good
ive never said im the best because their is always someone better than you
i have never said i am the most attractive because im not.I know many many girls much ore attractive than me (i work with some of them) and their return rate is -? i dont understand it.

im well groomed and well spoken. also attentive and offer a good massage. ive been in the business for years ive had my clientele built up over the years its not something done over night. anyone can get new clients the hardest part is keeping them just like A's in school anyone can get 1 once the hard part is keepin it!
02/03/2011 10:48 pm

posts: 0

thomaso wrote:
I find it hard to believe that there is a provider out there that offers HE and hasn't been reviewed. I do know that I have been to several places where the lady asked me not to post a review here. They also prefer to fly under the radar I guess.

i think a big part of it is because of req memberships.
People find us and keep quiet once reviews start it bring attention.
if i knew who to pay off to stay in buis and le off our backs id do it!

i so wish i worked at method sometimes it seems they r so relaxed! and untouchable!
02/27/2011 02:28 pm

posts: 0

Reviews are nice to have, but they can be misleading. For example, You might have a customer who comes to a massage place expecting full service. If he doesnt get it he might start acting rude & put up a bad review because he was expecting to have sex. Also, you might not offer the same service to everyone. I feel that the "juicy details" should be kept between the two of us. I asked TER to not allow members to give me reviews. Ive even had people flat out LIE about our session on TER. He said I offered BBack, when I dont even do full service. My advise when choosing a provider is 1.) Decide what it is you really want 2.)Choose a provider who you've seen advertise for awhile. 3.) Dont "discuss" service/money before the session because she might think you're LE, so she wont do any HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras. 4.) Dont be a clock watcher. Girls should honor their time commitments, but it will be hard for you to enjoy yourself. Its safe to bet if you find a lady in any "erotic" advertising section, you can probably expect a "happy ending."
02/27/2011 05:58 pm

posts: 0

That's some good advice, Abby. When I read reviews though, there are some things I factor into it: the tone, the frankness, the respect, the language, and the reviewer himself and his previous reviews. A reviewer with a lot of reviews -- some good, some bad, but with some sort of balance -- I'll give more weight to than someone who's only posted one review, bragging about how he got his way with someone who's never had any such reviews before.
03/02/2011 05:21 am

posts: 0

Wanderer wrote:
That's some good advice, Abby. When I read reviews though, there are some things I factor into it: the tone, the frankness, the respect, the language, and the reviewer himself and his previous reviews. A reviewer with a lot of reviews -- some good, some bad, but with some sort of balance -- I'll give more weight to than someone who's only posted one review, bragging about how he got his way with someone who's never had any such reviews before.

Thats good
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