Mps using dirty sheets & cameras in room

In 'Minneapolis Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by MiaNoi

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03/04/2010 05:59 pm

posts: 0

my regular REAL ( NON SEXUAL) massage gal.

Told me recently of 2 places whom have less than sanitary business methods.

These MP's flip the sheets and towels unless they are wet.
charge 100 an hour and dont bother to wash linen until the end of the week?!!!!

To make things even better they use a small washcloth to clean up after you.
what do they do with THE WASH CLOTHE WHEN YOU ARE DONE.

THEY DO NOT WASH THESE IN THE WASH MACHINE! The gals DROP them in a bucket of bleach and ring them out by hand and let them air dry?


This makes me sick!!!!!!!


IF AN GIRL DOES A HAPPY ENDING FOR CLIENTS THAT HAVENT BEEN approved by management they are fired. How do they know ??? They have cameras in the room. They review them to catch the girls in the act then they are fired.

My gal quit after being scolded for using to many towels and poor management.

what are these places?

415 1st ave mpls

and above dunn brothers coffee shop henn mpls

(same owner)

do your research you will know what places these r.

Im glad my gal has a new place.
03/04/2010 09:01 pm

posts: 0

Some people don't get it.. Be cheap save a few bucks in laundry, at the cost of house fees. I've thought about these 2 places, glad they're low on the list.
03/05/2010 06:47 am

posts: 0

NO offense, but sounds like your girl has a grudge and is upset at being fired/forced to quit, as result her report is suspect. Sounds like she wants rumors to spread (she created) to harm their business.

AMPs (a large majority of them 90% or more from my experience) have a washer and dryer in the spa and have to wash the towels, sheets, and hand towels several times DAILY. If they waited for weekly they would be out in a day and a half. Linen is not cheap.

Cameras in the room HIGLY doubtful, in almost all areas this carries higher penalties than sex for money. If any client were to discover it they KNOW they would be turned in by their own loyal clients.

Did you even attempt to verify her cliams before posting about these places? Acting irresponsibly and spreading unconfirmed rumors is not what this site needs.
Again no offense meant to you. But I have heard this crap before about spas all over the USA from girls who are fired/quit/do not like the management, even about some places that I helped set up or opened, where I know factually the claims were not true.
Disgruntled spa girls ALWAYS make this same claim as there are 2 things that will keep a monger/hobbiest away, dirty linen and cameras.
03/06/2010 08:02 pm

posts: 0

I believe her!
she is one of many gals I see none whom are problem or gossip.
she already has her own office opened up very near by!

neither one of the places have on site laundry.

The camera is in the futon room to the right when you close the main entrance door. in the ceiling where their is an electrical outlet/old light fixture @ diamond therapeutic.
cameras are so small now they are pin hole/ button size easily hide cameras.

you would have to search the whole room often times with a device to see them they are so small.
when i see an indy i dont have these problems.

i know 3 massage owners who have showed me cameras in their rooms. they all said they same thing they only have it so that if a girl gets raped that have the tape to show...
suppose some help may be better than none.
(video evidence might get thrown out)

if it where to go to court she has no problem with going an send subpoena witnesses and management whom are not suppose to lie under oath which can bring them unwanted jail time.
She is not one to talk down about others but she does have a big issue with being unsanitary its bad business for everyone!.

NO one their nor anywhere will openly admit they re use towels.
after u shower/ on your way out if you open the other massage room you would see for yourself all of the washcloths air drying...
You do not have to believe me either.
I would want someone to tell me if a place was unclean.
take it for whatever its worth to you...

Their are clients who have diseases i dont want to catch 1 from simply lying on their towel yes ods are 1 mill to 1 u never know u could always end up being that 1%

if you ever visit i highly recommend politely ask them to change the towels in front of you.

Isnt this site to give us fellow guy info on places? good and bad?
not here to make enemy just helpful knowledge
03/06/2010 09:44 pm

posts: 0

Great post Hobbiest! You're right, that's what this site and the forum is for....
03/07/2010 01:59 pm

posts: 0

You are absolutely right, dirty towels and cameras in rooms are a legit concern. I was just pointing out that many girls who leave a spa and want to hurt it make this claim.

If you find her credible, I accept that and heed your warning. You have to judge the source yourself, I am sure as an experienced hobbiest you have heard girls' claims before that were not true. I will take your word for it, I do not know your source personally and was only giving you some food for thought on where the mindset of the person making the complaint may be.

07/12/2010 05:42 pm

posts: 0

It's true girls do that gossip game,
I also know places do the nasty bleach bucket & sheet flip thing I saw it with my own eyes.

Indies don't see back to back appointments like parlors so it's likely to be a cleaner deal. Only two indies I seen made a point to change entire linen in from of me
Drea for one and Vi(TNT0 I think they have OCD though ha.
07/13/2010 08:14 pm

posts: 0

I'd rather know than not know if a place is not tidy.if the indy is steady enough she might to back to back..
if i question it ill ask them to do it in front of me.
my usual gals unless back to back change them before i get their. if their busy ill wait a few mins. Ill see them come out w linen and replace w clean... which drea do u see? drea the blond from san mei or the other dria? w black hair? san mei drea is well skilled
07/14/2010 12:24 pm

posts: 0

I think from spelling he means blonde.
so now I have an OCD? of course! if being clean freak is an OCD oh well
if I just left things sitting there it would be a big problem !
being an ex-parlor girl
I know some places are very untidy
, they do hang washcloths or have a bleach bucket & owners do have cameras in the rooms.
I understand people get very busy, still not an excuse to not at least change the setup
It's for security & to make sure they aren't doing FS,
but I have to digress IT'S ILLEGAL to do that(having hidden cameras in a massage room)
other than in the foyer, outside premises, if you find them I would report it.
I've seen them in dr's offices before too but they were clearly visible in the room.
I'm not one to out the "dirty places" though. I could care less
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