Asian massage Michigan Detroit, saginaw area

In 'Detroit Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by shclewis

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09/23/2013 10:15 pm

posts: 0

Guys hook a bro up with Asia massage place in Michigan that do fs I moved from Washington and I am on my way to New York but I got the munchies message me much appreciated
09/27/2013 03:10 am

posts: 0

shclewis wrote:
Guys hook a bro up with Asia massage place in Michigan that do fs I moved from Washington and I am on my way to New York but I got the munchies message me much appreciated

The only place that I knew of (but never visited) in Saginaw was the Fuji Spa but I think that might be closed. Nancy's is totally legit but highly recommended if you're looking for a good massage.
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