
AA County


06/23/2009 11:36 am

Anyone else living or working in Anne Arundel County notice the glaring lack of erotic services to be found therein? I'm assuming that LE is more hostile to such activities than in other counties, perhaps because it's home to the state capitol. In any case, it sucks that I can't dash out to an EMP during lunch to take the edge off a tough workday/week.

Not really looking for intel...just venting.



06/23/2009 08:39 pm

I don't spend much time in AA but I have noticed there isn't much out there it would be great if someone let us know what's out there as I like to change up MP's just to keep it fresh. But if you think about it I generally don't see many asian women in that area, but by comparison I see lots of asian women in Columbia.


06/24/2009 02:51 pm

Is there anything in columbia?


06/25/2009 06:36 am

Only Kyoto Spa but with all the little places to put small shops I'm sure that's not the only one out there.


07/04/2009 01:12 am

The best EMPs are in DC. The standards there reach a different level.


07/04/2009 01:17 am

By the way AA county sucks on many levels.

I really think there is somethimg wrong the place.

Has not evolved much in the last couple decades.


07/08/2009 04:21 pm

Yeah...I live in AA Co also and I have noticed the glaring difference. I've been to Kyoto and it was pretty decent. While they are all Asian, many of them are older (mid-30's). If anyone finds a new place in Colombia, definitely let me know. BTW, they are quite a few Asians in AA Co, just gotta know where to look!


07/08/2009 04:23 pm

Yeah...I live in AA Co also and I have noticed the glaring difference. I've been to Kyoto and it was pretty decent. While they are all Asian, many of them are older (mid-30's). If anyone finds a new place in Colombia, definitely let me know. BTW, they are quite a few Asians in AA Co, just gotta know where to look!


07/08/2009 04:23 pm

Yeah...I live in AA Co also and I have noticed the glaring difference. I've been to Kyoto and it was pretty decent. While they are all Asian, many of them are older (mid-30's). If anyone finds a new place in Colombia, definitely let me know. BTW, they are quite a few Asians in AA Co, just gotta know where to look!

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