Human Trafficking

In 'Wichita Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by asianwarrior

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01/17/2012 06:50 pm

posts: 0

I suggest everyone here keep an eye on your state legislatures this session in both KS and MO. There is some real extremism going on right now on the human trafficking front. And the legal definition of trafficking is very broad and doesn't require the elements of force or restraint. That means any of your favorite places will qualify.

There are groups like Polaris and Shared Hope are screaming bloody exploitation and slavery in the KS legislature right now. They advocate the Swedish model of human trafficking laws. This is where the Johns are severly punished by long prison time, asset seizure, and adding your name to the state sex offender list. These are life-ruining consequences and its only suggested for the men.

This is the kind of crazy stuff going on in govt right now. There is an unholy alliance of religious nuts and feminsts who hate men getting any sexual satisfaction and they will stop at nothing to satisfy thier own prejudices.

I personally emailed everyone in the KS legislature to oppose such radicalism. I did this two years ago and got a measure stopped to added Johns to the sex offender list. It is back on the table again.
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