Tiger Lily Spa in Norridge

In 'Danville Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by Hoffman1

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04/01/2010 04:25 pm

posts: 0

Just saw an add for this place - it's on Cumberland near I-90. It used to be Megis Spa and was an AMP before that. Anyone try it yet? Unless anyone has info, I will TOFTT next week.
04/24/2010 01:49 pm

posts: 0

I wonder if that is the one that use to be called the 'VIP' spa. I believe that is about the same area they were in. Maybe just a few blocks south of I-90, and I believe it was on Cumberland. Of course, that was quite a number of years ago. I would say, at least 10.
08/06/2010 08:05 am

posts: 0

I'm in the area today, and will TOFTT during lunch. I'll report back
08/06/2010 03:17 pm

posts: 0

S.R. wrote:
I'm in the area today, and will TOFTT during lunch. I'll report back

So I’m back. TOFTT… It’s a really nice place.. very fancy.. super clean.. lots of polish/euro girls walking around.. The one I had was probably the worst one of them all.. but nonetheless, not sure if there’s anything that goes on here. But if you want to take your chances, do it.. report back. I, however, have nothing juicy to report. $70 massage, under covers the whole time.. only uncovered by parts what was being massaged...
10/13/2010 09:50 pm

posts: 0

Ungh - that sucks. That place is 10 minutes from where I work. Oh well.
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