how many girls are usually working at one time?

In 'Chicago Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by nofx144

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02/23/2011 10:42 pm

posts: 0

This topic refers to Joe Jin Spa & Massage
Joe Jin Spa & Massage picture

does anyone know. me and a buddy want to stop in on our way through town, but dont want to wait for the other one to be done, or get the same girl.
03/03/2011 06:37 pm

posts: 0

03/05/2011 04:43 pm

posts: 0

asnowday wrote:

you dont understand the question? Is there normally one girl? two girls? three girls?
03/10/2011 10:43 pm

posts: 0

He probably understood the question. But really its not one that can usually be answered accurately by hobbiests.

We do not get to see all the girls on a visit usually, sometimes you see a line up but that wont include who ever is working, so you really do not know the total number.

The best way to know how many girls are working is to call up the place and ask "how many girls are working today".

03/11/2011 01:34 am

posts: 0

Thats good advice. Thanks!
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