Lingerie YES
Adult Toys YES
Adult DVDs YES
Peep Shows NO
Adult Books YES
Adult Video Arcade YES
Theaters NO
Glory Hole YES
9:00AM - 2:00AM
9:00AM - 2:00AM
9:00AM - 2:00AM
9:00AM - 2:00AM
9:00AM - 2:00AM
9:00AM - 2:00AM
9:00AM - 2:00AM
Reviewed 03-16-2014
Any couples headed out to sensation today
Reviewed 03-13-2014
I'm headed there now.
Any women or couples
Reviewed 08-25-2013
It's cool I guess. The slots to stick your dick through are low and narrow so you have to bend your knees weird if you want service, and the damn chairs are in the way..... Also, the little Indian guy keeps running around frantic asking everyone to put money in the machines. That being said, I find the hottest cock there of almost any other place. It's not bad. Just bring dollars.
Reviewed 08-25-2013
It's cool I guess. The slots to stick your dick through are low and narrow so you have to bend your knees weird if you want service, and the damn chairs are in the way..... Also, the little Indian guy keeps running around frantic asking everyone to put money in the machines. That being said, I find the hottest cock there of almost any other place. It's not bad. Just bring dollars.
Reviewed 05-17-2013
Can confirm gloryholes, including mail slots and traditional circular holes that are always open. Best video screens of any arcade in South Florida, by far.
A very, very quiet store. Not sure how they stay in business. Rarely anyone in the store. The clerks aren't friendly and don't even acknowledge your presence. Dead atmosphere. If they simply piped in some music it might breathe some life into the place.
I've seen a few curious couples nosing around the arcade, but never any women or couples servicing cock at the gloryholes. If you're female or couple who wants to suck anon cock at a dirty bookstore, this place would be a good choice.
Reviewed 09-18-2012
Has nice glory hole area. 2 slide slots and then normal circular hole. Nice flat screens shows
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05-17-2013 01:44:57 PM