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05/19/2009 11:01 pm

posts: 0

Anyone know why Malley Spa is no longer listed in eroticmp? Thought it was near Washington and 113th... wondering if it had the same problem as the mp in Lafayette that got yanked, or if something else is going on.
05/20/2009 12:33 am

posts: 0

They've been closed for 2 months. I went by there on a biz trip & they were shut down
05/20/2009 09:42 pm

posts: 0

Thanks for the reply... saved me a trip.
02/19/2010 11:27 pm

posts: 0

Mally Spa has been replaced by "E's Spa" about 2 months ago. Seems like new management, mamasan is different, but several ladies are familiar. Have been there twice in the past month; worthy successor to Mally Spa. Review to come.
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