Incorrect credentials.
05/21/2011 08:47 pm

posts: 0

Okay! so this is a first for me in the FORUMS, but i wanted to get some info or just make a comment.
I called the number I have programed in my phone for Pearls in Woodland to see if there was any new info on weather they are truly closed or not.
Earlier this week I got a busy tone several times, but every other time I have called there I get no answer.
I know that the general consensus is that they are no more and that Anna is forever just a memory. but the thing that strikes me as odd is that when you go to look up AMP's in Woodland there is no history at all of Pearls.
And on top of that anyone that has written a review on Pearls has no history of Pearls in there own reviews written section.
Does anyone know why that is? do you think the owner got a hold of this website to have them remove it?
And are we also putting these girls in danger of getting arrested by the reviews we write, and the number of reviews that are written in such a short time.
I have several that I have not written on places that I have been and want to share, but don't want to bring any heat to any of them.

We never know who is reading what we write,

What do you all think?????????
05/21/2011 09:04 pm

posts: 0

Spa-And-Acupressure-Therapy-Woodland-California.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

We post. Smaller towns with hi visibility frontage likely to lead to neighboring businesses' complaints - as Pearl's was situated - sure, that's a reasonable consideration, I agree.

But, these sites are for field reports database development. So? POST ON, SIR!
05/22/2011 03:06 am

posts: 0

Stik and Time, I was in Woodland on Thursday and drove right into the parking lot to see if there was any signs of activity and what I saw was a pickup truck backed up to the door loading stuff out of the place. The front door was wide open. I think that they were evicted and we will never see the likes of Pearl's again. I did connect with Anna on Monday and she is still looking for a place to get into. I suggested Sacramento and she said that she had to get off the phone but that she would get ahold of me as soon has she landed somewhere.
Klem 1
05/22/2011 10:42 am

posts: 0

Holy -

I think its great you have a connection with Anna - but I might suggest that any further 411 on her - be traded via PMs only. She has obviously gotten the short end of the stick from local LE and/or building management - and I suspect its either from all the traffic in front of the building - or from this site.

I never saw Anna - but would like to. But at the same time I would like to see her land somewhere - where she can be treated well. especially if its true that shes bound for Minnesota soon.

Its just my 2 cents - but it may be time for Anna to stay a little better protected -especially in the public eye.
05/22/2011 06:25 pm

posts: 0

You know I never did get around to writing a review of my visit to Pearl,s to see Anna, I was just flabbergasted at her sniffing around. it was funny to have her sniff my ass and balls, she did these little quick sniffs then a nice long one followed up by a repeat of the same.

Grabster; I like the idea of keeping the 411 on PM's but then if everyone did that we would never have found her, or the others like her. What to do?

Oh1 and just to conform, Whoever it was that heard the snoring when they were there,it was some asian guy sleeping on a mattress on the floor behind the curtain. When I was there on the way out I pulled the curtain back and saw him laying face down with pants on and no shirt.
The other girl there got pretty upset that I had pulled the curtain back. oh well!!
05/22/2011 07:07 pm

posts: 0

Hey, they stole one of my reviews. Hey phatstik, it is funny you mention the sniff. She actually sniffed me, after we were done. I thought it was strange, because I read on the forum about her sniff test at the beginning of massage. Of coarse I smell good, so maybe she wanted one last man sniff!!!
05/22/2011 09:15 pm

posts: 0

Hey Grabster - I mean I understand not giving her phone number out there - which I have not. But what is that I am exactly guilty of doing I just joined in a discussion about Pearl's and mentioned that Anna is looking for a place. Pretty empty information as far as I can see. Am I missing something here????
05/22/2011 10:20 pm

posts: 0

holycow wrote:
Hey Grabster - I mean I understand not giving her phone number out there - which I have not. But what is that I am exactly guilty of doing I just joined in a discussion about Pearl's and mentioned that Anna is looking for a place. Pretty empty information as far as I can see. Am I missing something here????

Play nice, fellas - we're all on the same team here and have the same focus of discretion while sharing useful intel. None of this red book style or I'll have to put in a call to you-know-who.
05/23/2011 12:31 am

posts: 0

Sniff chick:::::::::: I like that!!
Klem 1
05/23/2011 01:36 am

posts: 0

No, no, no.... You dudes mis-took my intentions, and what I was suggesting.


HolyCow - Im not saying you did anything wrong... Not saying that at all...

You mentioned that you had talked to her - ande that you would be talking to her again. And its pretty clear that you may possibly be able to shed some light oin where she goes.

All I am suggesting is discretion when you find outr where she is... i.e. limiting the data to folks you know and trust by using the PM system - as opposed to posting it on a public forum or review - due to what happened to her when she was being posted about all over the airwaves. Especially if she winds up back in Woodland - or some other small community where LE is perhaps more apt to hassle her.

She was obviously a rare find - and its pretty obvious to me - that she got over-exposed in a short period of time - and for her own protection - if you find out where she is - that keeping it less advertised - at least at first - may help so what happened to her does not get repeated.

By no means am I suggesting people stop writing reviews - in fact I just got somewhat lambasted on SMR - because I said people were using PMs too much. Rather Im just suggesting that in Anna's case - we try to protect her a little bit.... by not revealing too much too soon. That suggestion would apply to whomever finds out where she goes - not just you, Holycow.

no harm, no foul..... just my opinion and Im only one dude.... it was just meant to be a suggestion....

party on, Garth!
05/23/2011 02:42 am

posts: 0

Grabman I will share that info as to where she might land in a PM to the guys in our party - by no means to any unknowns. But for now we will just ride this boat out and see where she lands. And I understand what you are saying about the happenings in Woodland. I think that the gal Susan is the person that brought this whole thing to a head. But it could also have been the market people next door. Either way I will not discuss any specifics regarding her whereabouts to forum or post. Glad we cleared this up as I was confused. But I am okay now.
05/23/2011 11:52 pm

posts: 0

Hey Holycow!! I hope that I am part of that party, don't want to miss out on a good sniffing by miss Anna again.
05/24/2011 12:01 am

posts: 0

That sniffing was so wild that I was kind of in disbelief that that's what she was doing. Yeah, as in HELL YEAH, we've gotta get the lowdown from HolyCow on here whereabouts when she lands!
05/24/2011 01:06 am

posts: 0

I need a bumper sticker that reads " I HAVE BEEN SNIFFED AT PEARL'S"
05/24/2011 01:18 am

posts: 0

There are alot of girls that sniff their customers....I think it definitely tells you that if you are clean, then you will get a little more "close-up" play, so to speak....Moral of the story...If you want a BJ(especially any barback play) or full service, even if you have already might want to opt for the shower at the AMP prior to service...just my humble opinion from my experience
05/24/2011 02:36 am

posts: 0

Word was out, that she was a sniffer. So when I went to see her, I showered at home. When I got there I took another shower. My balls were so clean, you could eat off them. Which was what I had in mind. If they weren't clean before she started, they were clean when she finished. I miss her already!
05/25/2011 04:04 am

posts: 0

To my fellow Hobbyists: I had stated that I was in contact with Anna and that I would be checking with her to find out where she might land. Well today unfortunately her cell phone has gone disconnected and it says that there is no new number. I will continue to check, as maybe it will come back on. But for now it looks like we have lost our Anna.
05/25/2011 10:11 am

posts: 0

holycow wrote:
To my fellow Hobbyists: I had stated that I was in contact with Anna and that I would be checking with her to find out where she might land. Well today unfortunately her cell phone has gone disconnected and it says that there is no new number. I will continue to check, as maybe it will come back on. But for now it looks like we have lost our Anna.

NEVER FEAR! STRONG suspicion is that - as with many folks I deal with at the low-end of the economic range - toward the end of the month the $$$$ for cell service runs out and at the beginning of the month, voila, back into operation! With Anna, it may be that it won't return until after she lands in a new spot and $$ start flowing in again. Thanks much for the report - HolyCow! Reading the big rack story of BeBe's by Monsieur Lewey just had brought back to mind Anna's twins, whoaaa... Sweet!
05/25/2011 09:21 pm

posts: 0

I all in on the bumper sticker idea, That was a great idea.

I am also so glad I did not wait any longer to make my visit to meet the fabulous Miss Anna Sniffsalot,

We may need to start a support group or 12 step program.

Hi My Name is Phatstik and I'm a Sniffaholic.
05/25/2011 10:03 pm

posts: 0

phatstik wrote:
I all in on the bumper sticker idea, That was a great idea.

I am also so glad I did not wait any longer to make my visit to meet the fabulous Miss Anna Sniffsalot,

We may need to start a support group or 12 step program.

Hi My Name is Phatstik and I'm a Sniffaholic.

Welcome to the group, Phatstik!
They call me Time and I have the distinct privilege of being the inaugural sniffee of the lovely & talented Ms. Sniffsalot. I'm SOOO a Sniffaholic.
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