7 O.C. EMP Busts

In 'Santa Ana Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by SuckMyCockBitch

Incorrect credentials.
03/12/2011 05:49 pm

posts: 0

03/12/2011 05:55 pm

posts: 0

The businesses served with search warrants Friday are:
Super Day Spa Massage, Relax Zone, Angel Massage, Rainbow Spa, Fantastic Spa, A1 Oriental Massage Inc, and Visage Spa
03/12/2011 11:37 pm

posts: 0

All seven parlors were in one complex? All were only rub n tugs. Wow crime wave smashed in one single blow!
sensitive guy
03/13/2011 03:48 pm

posts: 0

Saw a TV news report on this topic this morning. Was going to post a forum on it but, I U guys have already have!!! I feel Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MUCH safer to know my TAX $ are well spent!!! Nice job guys!!!!
03/13/2011 06:29 pm

posts: 0

Don't you guys know that AMPs are just al-quida sleeper cells. They are trying to brainwash al red-blooded American males through the use of HOT yellow tail.
03/14/2011 10:07 pm

posts: 0

Costa Mesas LE is ****** ** anyways as I place them second right behind Newport cops. Also Costa Mesa is a hot spot anyways just like Huntington Beach or Orange. Remember, they were just caught for violations and the biggest violation could be hiring illegals.

For non-label oil violations. Excuse for Mamasan.

Reason (1); Maybe mamasan bought a large quantity of a brand name oil, purchased plastic containers and put oil in each container to save money on purchasing seperate smallbrand name bottles.

For TS; So what if they have a TS. Legit AMP's have TS's too. The same goes with towels.

Remember, there were no arrests just summons. Did they actually catch them in the act?? Did LE go undercover and were proposed a sexual favor?? **** the CM police.

sensitive guy
03/15/2011 03:54 pm

posts: 0

If just some local politician or some member of some city council trying to show the voters that THEY are doing EVERYTHING they can to put a stop to crime & make their city more safe......NOW!!! Do U sleep better at night???
03/16/2011 06:55 am

posts: 0

That sucks !!! I was there Wednesday night and got a great rub and tug and a finger in my A-H, then I was leaving around closing time and I seen this YOUNG HOT ASIAN walk past my car in get in to hers. She looked 25 with light brown hair and a nice body. I was planning on going back and search all seven MPs for her, but after hearing about LE, I think I'll stay away.
03/16/2011 06:57 am

posts: 0

What's Happening to this great hobby !
03/16/2011 06:32 pm

posts: 0

limp dick politicians are f--king it up
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