TOFTT - Former Leisure Spa/Sunrise Rainbow Spa

In 'Rancho Cordova Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by Time2

Incorrect credentials.
11/11/2011 12:14 pm

posts: 0

This topic refers to Land Park Spa
Land Park Spa picture


The same owner of B2000 - a perennial "NO-SALE/Massageee onreee!" AMP and the place on 65th that is likewise a "non-erotic service reported" AMP also bought this old location.

It's nicely remodeled and 1 telling indication right off the bat that things have changed is the old door buzzer to let you into the lobby was removed.

Nice ladies, no way is this ever gonna develop into a HJ Rub-&-Tug AMP, let alone anything else. The 1st dude who reports they got DATY, Bareback Blow Job To Completion, oral stimulation of the penis to orgasm without a condom. (May spit or swallow)">BBBJTCIM, FS, yada yada blah-blah-blah here instantly blows his street cred.

Seriously - SKIP IT - unless you want a truly non-erotic fairly decent cheap massage. Will do a review in a sec just so nobody wonders about this place.
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