
First Time -- Need some help.


12/03/2010 08:59 am

New to this -- sort of. Had my first 'hobbiest' experience in China and I want more -- without all the travel time. I'm from NH but I've heard that it's more legal in RI so I figured I'd go there. Joined this site. This spa got the best reviews and I want to try. But, like any first-timer, I'm loaded with questions.

In china (Macau - place called "Darlings") there were 20+ girls sitting in a display area, I picked two I liked, paid, and we went into in a nice room with a tub and a bed for 90 mins (some things are better in fantasy then in reality -- this is NOT one of those things).

So here are some of my newbie questions. I just don't want to feel clueless when I go in. Maybe there's a section on this site that explains that. If so, can you point me?

I want to go to RI this Saturday afternoon - do I call first? Or should I plan another day because Saturdays might be busy?

Sounds like what I had in China was called a 'lineup' and they don't seem to do that at this place. What if I meet the girl I don't like her? If she's overweight or unattractive I don't want to go any further -- but I also don't want to treat someone badly. If I've made an appointment then it's even worse.

Can I get more time then 60 mins?

How much do I tip? Looks like $140 is standard? Is that right?

What's a mamasan?

anything else I should know?

Thanks for your help!


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