
The BEST HJ Only - My Last Experience :(


12/31/2011 12:51 am

I have read tons of reviews for places, but I would like your personal opinions on where to get the absolute best HJ. I've had limited experience with AMP's and all of them have kinda sucked (all at the same place). I'm going to have to move soon, probably out of Charlotte to find a cheaper place to live but I'd like my last experience to be the best. Money is going to be very tight over the next few years (but don't think I don't have an appropriate amount set aside for my last AMP experience - I wont try to take advantage of any of these girls with undercutting pricing).

I titled this the Best HJ Only because that's all I can afford. While I would give up my left leg for a BJ, I believe HJ is all I can afford, and it might be awhile before I trust anyone enough to make FS worthwhile since I feel like I completely wasted my last hundred bucks+ the last time I did that. Especially since the FS lasted only a few minutes and the rest was me trying to finish myself off in a sweatpit of a room.

Anyway, please, I ask for members opinions of HJ and what providers gave the best. I pretty much have 1 shot left and thats it for a year or maybe more. If you are comfortable providing pricing, that would help - each girl is different and the last thing I would want to do is insult someone. I know one of these gorgeous ladies would forget me in 3 seconds, but I still don't want to leave a bad impression....

Oh, and since lube type is not provided in reviews - if you remember what they used it would be helpful. For instance - Woodlawn Spa uses Hand Lotion (Jergins I believe) and I effing HATE hand lotion. It's too think, it dries fast, and does not provide that natural skin-on-skin lubrication that I am looking for. I had thought about bringing my own but after a few tries there I just gave up on them.

Anyway, thank you VIP members for educating me and providing tons of awesome reviews. I only wish I could afford to go more than once or twice a year (I make 10/hr and live in Charlotte - life is damn difficult). Thank you again, and you will have no idea how much I'll appreciate the information that you guys will share with me in this thread. You guys are awesome and I wish you the best New years EVER!

Thank you!


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