

I provide Nuru bodywork , Sadistic and Tantric Domination, Milking Table . I also offer Private Webcam / Skype / Video Chat / Phone Chat/Custom Content sessions as well . My name is Mistress/ Goddess Tonee, Your lovely Tantra , FBSM, Sensual Nuru body massage and Sensual Tantalizing Femdomme Dominatrix I offer a Milking table experience , NURU experience, Tantra and GFE refreshing and intoxicating sessions . Discovering Sensual Landscapes: A Journey Through Healing and Exploration When you peel back the layers of our human experience, you'll find that our deep-rooted desires and connections go beyond the mere physical. They're about truly understanding who we are, embracing our deepest passions, and cherishing the bonds we form with others. In my line of work, I combine the teachings of age-old traditions with modern techniques to provide an array of services that heal, educate, and inspire. Are you intrigued? Keep reading to learn more about my services. Tantra & Sex Healing: A Spiritual Embrace Tantra is so much more than just a buzzword related to intimacy. It's a profound spiritual path that intertwines our physical desires with a deeper emotional and ethereal connection. In my role as a sex healer, I leverage the teachings of Tantra to guide individuals toward healing and self-discovery. Together, we confront past traumas, celebrate desires, and unlock a heightened understanding of one's sensual self.

Posted 04/18/2024 10:01am
Location Manhattan, United States
Age 25 years old
Nationality Black
Height 5' 5''
Weight 150lbs
Hair Color Black Hair
Eye Color Brown Eyes
Body Type Curvy
Measurements 34-27-36
Cupsize DD Cup
Kitty Bald Kitty
Languages English,
Available To Men, Women, Couples
Cam Shows Yes
Credit Cards Visa American Express Discover