Incorrect credentials.
02/03/2012 04:58 pm

posts: 0

Anyone know what happened to this place?
02/03/2012 05:05 pm

posts: 0

Looks like that didn't work... It was in uptown, I believe she went by Amanda or Angelea
02/04/2012 03:46 pm
02/06/2012 10:49 am

posts: 0

Too many reasons why this place wasnt going to make it.
No one likes the big glass windows where you see clients come and go.
The rent was high.
The staff bait and switch.
Ran by pimps who obviously give 0 respect to the staff.
Police walk in and check on the place as they have for years.
Not enough extra funds to do proper advertising.
All the signs are still on the building they just dont advertise.
As far as I know they are still in business
02/08/2012 12:19 am

posts: 0

Angela /Amanda is no longer around sad to say.
that other place is bad news I heard and is not the same as "urbanoasis
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