
Oldtimer B


10/23/2014 09:12 pm

Have,t heard from Oldtimer B for quite a while. Anyone know if something happened to him?



10/23/2014 10:11 pm

Not enough has been happening to me...and not often enough either .
Just not a lot of active participation here whether it's on forum or reviews in MN so I don't come here a lot.
Trying to be more active with the ladies and less with my typing if you get my gist.


10/27/2014 03:36 am

I hear what your saying, I don't come here much anymore either as there seems to be little action on the forum or new reviews.


10/27/2014 07:24 am

The only reviews I see on this website are from NV, IL & Ga. Not a lot going on.


10/27/2014 07:37 pm

Well loose lips have been sinking ships. Better to just PM each other or don't give juicy details.

Since Best of Asia closed. MN Mongers will be looking for new place. Typically takes about 2 months. Like the last time Method and M2 got closed down.


10/28/2014 10:04 am

It's not the reviews on this site but the other site that are probably the contributing factor.


10/28/2014 06:07 pm

Rock.. totally agree. If you have noticed it isn't getting busted by the cops. I am thinking that the leasing company or the owner of the building they are leasing are finding out and then kicking them out of the building. Because most leases have clauses where if illegal activity is happening on premise the lease becomes null and void. Just my thoughts on this. If anyone gets in the know of some place opening up. Please pass it along via pm. I live out of the metro and it is hard make recon trips. thanks


11/07/2014 04:14 pm

Just got back on after a long Hiatus and nothing has changed. Reviews are all from last year. Waste of money so far.

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