
PLace on Backpage


08/21/2012 02:28 am

Anyone try this place? Any recs?

Grand Opening Asian Massage . 3940 Minnehaha ave south MPLS


Let me know!



08/21/2012 09:48 pm

Be cautious. Not saying to stay away, however, went to check it out, the door is right next to another business. I was a bit confused and its not well marked, poked my head in the wrong door by accident. Greeted by a nosey woman who could stop asking me what address i was looking for. I finally backed out of the door, stating i had the wrong address.........draw your own conclusions. Too bad, the phone number is same as the old Relaxation place in Columbia Heights. IMHO not a good set up.


09/24/2012 10:22 pm

Their is a sex swing in one of the rooms.


09/25/2012 09:40 am

It has one of the same girls from the Relaxation Spa that was on Central Ave. She was genuinely hot but her partner was not from what I recall in other reviews. Got a rep for upselling. Still, if you can get her, might be worth it.

Have not gone to this place. Too public for my tastes.

Cities Boy

09/25/2012 09:49 am

hobbiest wrote:
Their is a sex swing in one of the rooms.

Why in the fuck would you post this unless you are looking to bring heat down on this place? Postings like this don't help anyone msggrl...


09/25/2012 12:36 pm

Cities Boy wrote:

Why in the fuck would you post this unless you are looking to bring heat down on this place? Postings like this don't help anyone msggrl...



09/26/2012 11:31 pm

I hate that when there's two businesses next to each other & no signage . Very frustrating!


09/27/2012 11:58 pm

Doesn't matter it's closed...tried today.


09/28/2012 10:05 pm

What the hell man Mpls has lost it.
Guys paying to jack themselves off & thinking its legal or somehow better than a normal R&T.
Amp's appearing & disappearing within days. Can't trust reviews half the time.
Backpage officially sucks, fake pics, robs, multiple ads for the same person only different names & pics all aren't them.

Dogs & cats living together!!! I should just run for mayor however I don't like hands up my arse


09/29/2012 12:42 pm

I love it. Violet for Mayor.
You election slogan could be.
Violet Rivera for Mayor, someone who won't bend over for anyone.


09/29/2012 08:22 pm

Oh Idk about that


09/30/2012 01:35 am

DIFFERENT SUBJECT: Does anyone follow the WNBA? Minneapols has a championsip team (which lost the other night); but, around their league there are a few nice lookers, a bit taller than most AMP providers, but really nice.

...just an observation if you want to buy their pics and DIY. :-)

ALSO, RIVERA FOR GOVERNOR! If Ventura can do it, Rivera can do it!


10/02/2012 08:37 pm

Dogs and cats living together! mass-hysteria! Ghostbusters refrence... You got my vote Mayor Rivera.


10/03/2012 04:39 pm

Violet Rivera wrote:
I hate that when there's two businesses next to each other & no signage . Very frustrating!

I hate it when they are next to each other and there is no cleavage.


10/07/2012 07:42 pm

Me too. Boobs should always be together


10/11/2012 09:36 am

She would do a better job. She could tell her opponents to go F--- themselves. Comeing from her it would have a whole new meaning. Personally I feel she should relocate to vegas and run beat that scumbag Harry Reid.


10/11/2012 09:36 am

She would do a better job. She could tell her opponents to go F--- themselves. Comeing from her it would have a whole new meaning. Personally I feel she should relocate to vegas and run beat that scumbag Harry Reid.


10/11/2012 03:58 pm

Subicman wrote:
She would do a better job. She could tell her opponents to go F--- themselves. Comeing from her it would have a whole new meaning. Personally I feel she should relocate to vegas and run beat that scumbag Harry Reid.

Harry Reid.....sounds like a tiny dick with poor grooming.


10/11/2012 04:39 pm

He is ruining our city. At least Rybak declared an official zombie day tomorrow.
I was joking anyway and I would never tell someone to go Fk themselves, I'm not a DIY type of gal yall know that!


10/11/2012 04:52 pm

Violet Rivera wrote:
He is ruining our city. At least Rybak declared an official zombie day tomorrow.
I was joking anyway and I would never tell someone to go Fk themselves, I'm not a DIY type of gal yall know that!

Way to go V...ROTFLMAO about the DIY comment

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