
this time I walked


09/21/2010 05:30 pm

This topic refers to Waltham Wellness Place

Waltham Wellness Place picture

I have been going to Waltham Wellness for a while, in addition to other places. Have always enjoyed my time there, although the last two times I had to wait in the sitting room.
Today, I called ahead for Jessica. The girl who answered said she was Jessica, I made an appt for an hour later. When I got there, I was told Jessica was not there, she was working at another place in Chinatown. There were two girls there who obviously tried to get me to go in with one of them. I asked who was the one who answered the phone and said she was Jessica -- sudden language barrier! One of the girls called Jessica on her cell phone and had me speak with her. Had trouble understanding her, girl said Jessica was asking if I could meet her in Chinatown location. It was 4pm and I told her there was no way I was driving into Boston at that hour with all the traffic, and that I was leaving and the next time I call and they lie to me will be the last time I give them a chance.
I was really looking forward to a session with Jessica after my last visit with Mary when Jessica came into the room during our session and was groping junior, but there are plenty of other places where I also get dependable service, I know it is common for these places to lie about not being busy and who is available just to get you in the door, but I think it is wise for us to put our foot down, one in front of the other, and walk out. They will soon get the message.
I suspect next time I call and make an appt I will not get lied to. And if they do pull this bs again, it will be their loss.


Easy Money

09/21/2010 07:19 pm

Way to go olepapa1.


09/21/2010 09:41 pm

Thanks, NOLAlove. There are a few places that have become notorious for deception when you call. This is the only way we can fight back. If enough of us "take a walk", they will have to change tactics.

I understand they need to bring in business, and odds are, once we are there little head will prevail. However, these places have to understand our time and money are valuable to us, and we do not appreciate being brought in under false pretenses -- it's called bait and switch and is a practice often frowned upon in other business situations.


09/22/2010 01:42 pm

olepapa1, not only will some providers "bait and switch" but will follow it up with what I call "bait, then hook it"(after they get you in, they tried to get you to go with one of them)but that's for hobbiest who think with the head with no brain instead of the one that has one . It's good to put your foot down and not be stepped on(like a door mat)or like you said, put your foot down, one in front of the other but make sure you don't stumble(bait and hook)on your way out . Sure times are tough and for them times are slow but we don't need to put up with their bull**** . What's the saying, "the older one gets, the wiser" .


03/24/2011 04:00 pm

Way to go! and keep the reviews coming. I visited WW today based on your recent review. It was exactly as you described. (down to the average looks) But I appreciate that going in.


03/24/2011 10:55 pm

It happened again at Waltham Wellness. Early in the week, I called to make an appt with Jessica. It sounded like her on the phone, I asked is this Jessica and she said yes. I asked for an appt for 1pm. When I got there, the two girls there, Lulu and LeiLei said Jessica was not there today. I asked who was it I spoke with on the phone...blank stares, trouble with English. LeiLei started to mumble something about the phone system, perhaps someone answers from another location. Lulu tried to get me to come with her. I said I like Lulu and she does a good job, but today I was in the mood for Jessica (she is fabulous) and I did not appreciate being lied to. They said come back tomorrow. I answered I will not be around tomorrow and walked out.
I understand there is a new girl, Mimi who has gotten good reviews and may want to try her next time, but I may also try again for Jessica. I believe after this week's visit, the next time I call for Jessica they will either admit she's not there or if I get an appt Jessica will be there to keep it.
It's too bad they keep reverting back to this bait and switch bs, but their location is convenient for me and they are reliable as far as leaving happy. I get teased very well and get to roam UTC with all of the girls, so I have never left unsatisfied. But someone has to set them straight about switching girls.

Easy Money

03/25/2011 03:21 pm

Good going olepapa1. If more of us would do that same thing the girls might cut the crap and tell the truth when we call. I know this has happened to me in the past and I was down right pissed about it. Bottom line was I didn't go back to that MP for 6 months. When I went back they asked 'why you no come so much?' and they were not talking about my ejaculation. I came right out and told them that they lied to me on the phone. I haven't had that problem since.


03/26/2011 05:41 pm

As far as the Bait & Switch, "Sometimes you can't teach an old dog new tricks". olepapa1, you can try again with Jessica but if you get the same problem I would move on and stop going in circles but try Mimi since she has good reviews or you can try Lulu. Now if Jessica works in Chinatown and you're still interested in seeing her, you may try to get the location where she's at and then make a trip to Boston before or after rush hour or when there is no traffic.


03/26/2011 07:49 pm

I was back there yesterday. Phoned, asked for Jessica and she was there waiting when I got there. Was complaining about posting on the internet. I believe it referred to something on another board that went a little overboard and concerned another girl there.

I do plan to return to try Mimi based on her reviews.


04/04/2011 08:44 am

samething happened to me a few days ago. ask for jessica on the phone, was told she was there, but was not when i got there. I ended up staying anyways and got a massage from Lulu. she is fun and everything the reviews say for sure. i should have walked out just to prove a point, but i didn't, the little head won.

Easy Money

04/05/2011 08:09 am

jfoley311 I know how the little head can take over, but there are too many MP's out there to let the girls take advantage of us. It is not helping the cause by letting them 'bait and switch' on us. If enough of us walk they will, hopefully, get the message. I am starting a new response to this problem. If I call and am told someone is there and when I arrive and they are not there, I will walk but will say 'I am going to another MP and will spend my MONEY there'. If they know we are hitting them in their pocket books they my change their ways.


03/10/2012 03:30 pm

I always walk if it's not who I ask for. They often say "yes" to anything you ask on the phone and only after you show up tell you who's available.

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