
Looking for relief


11/17/2009 01:57 pm

This topic refers to Sunny Massage

Sunny Massage picture

Has anybody in the Lawrence area been to this place and gotten anything good?



11/18/2009 11:05 am

it should be ok. they moved from topeka when they got busted by LE.
i had fun in topeks with them.
i ususlly gave $100. they bring $20 change and i leave it on table.
don't over tip.


11/19/2009 04:31 pm

Was there any special way to ask for an HE? I tried at another shop in the area by guiding her hand down and was told "No". I felt emabarrased and don't want to experience that again.


11/19/2009 09:40 pm

what a woos! If she says no, you say no tip, nothing, nada and stick to it! There is nothing to be embarrassed about. You were merely asking for service that most EMPs provide. If she refuses to provide the service, that's her choice. Your choice is to not tip. Why were you embarrassed???


11/20/2009 08:08 am

It is not unusual for them to say no if it is your 1st time there. Go back and try again, do not be embarassed, if you still can not get her to go, than perhaps she is a massage only girl, try someone else.

Good luck.


11/30/2009 10:31 pm

I went, just massage.


05/09/2010 09:51 pm

I went... got a HJ.

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