
whats the best place to find an asian girl in their 20s?


03/28/2010 08:39 pm

whats the best massage parlor if i want to find a slim asian girl in their 20s? Generally speaking, I'm just wondering which place would be my best bet if i'm looking for my specific criteria. I'm also wondering if anybody had any specific girls they would recommend.



03/28/2010 11:06 pm

Well, Yuri at Pine Tree is 27 or 29 and has great reviews. She is Mimi's rivel there. They are both great but Mimi is older but you will always have good service. Yuri is young and beautiful, but not always the same, [ moody ] but its worth a try. Make sure she is SMILING when you take her.


03/29/2010 04:14 am

I've been lurking these forums and noticed Pine Tree is mentioned a lot. Generally speaking, what's the age range & nationality?


03/29/2010 05:34 am

There are 12 new girls there all ages but not over 30 except Mimi. Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese. Pine Tree is the top 10 in the U.S. and number one in Hawaii. Mimi is in the top 5 girls in Hawaii for 5 years. All in all Mimi will give you very good service. Her body looks like a 20 year old. Check out her reviews.

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