This Site Is A Blessing

In 'Jackson Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by vachon

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01/21/2010 08:55 pm

posts: 0

For really good reasons the providers in the AMPS are cautious. Some will not give a truly good experience until they have seen you at least once and remember that you are not LE.

However, if you read all the reviews on this site about any particular AMP with special attention to the girls and remember much of the finer details - they can easily be convinced that you have been there before but they simply do not remember. Trust me. I've done it. I've learned enough about a couple of these providers on this site to convince her that we have actually done business before and she simply forgot. The difference is - she will stop being nervous and actually ramp up the service. Before going to any of these places it is best to pick the girl with the highest rating and memorize all of the details. Then act like she is an old friend when you get there. It works really well. Or see one girl and talk about all the fun you have had with the other girl who doesn't happen to be working today. That one works really well. Hey, it's all fun and games!!! Enjoy the game.
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