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11/06/2010 01:22 am

posts: 0

Anyone remember a place that used to advertise in city pages with the headline oriental cuties? This would have been early part of the year. They were over off 22nd and Nicollet then moved to I think Lasalle and 15th? I know they wern't there to long and then were gone. Just wondering if they opened somewhere else which is common. I didn't get there often enough to know. There was a therapist Alena there. Was wondering if she is still around anywhere.
11/06/2010 01:45 am

posts: 0

alena was fired for upselling clients as well as shorting time also steeling and crashing the owners bmw sorry alena is no longer working..... seems as thought i might have seen you before ( not worked with you)
if u used to see alena they move around allot but are always around....

11/06/2010 01:54 am

posts: 0

pm me for more info darling
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